
This IKEA Bedtime Hack Is the Secret to a Good Night’s Sleep (and Fewer Fights)


Australians are troubled sleepers, with YouGov research finding that one in three Australians are not getting enough sleep. And when we are asleep it would seem that only 15% of us are sleeping through the night without waking up.

“While this could be the result of a number of different reasons, playing tug-of-war with your sleeping partner over the quilt cover at night could be a big contributor,” says IKEA.

Now, the Swedish furniture giant is proposing a new solution to Australian sleepers. It’s a sleeping hack that reportedly works for many couples and co-sleepers in Europe.

“A common Scandinavian sleep tradition could be the answer to resolving duvet differences and help get a better nightā€™s sleep: use two single duvets when sharing a bed.”

While it may not look quite as aesthetic as a king doona, the arrangement can be covered in the daytime with a statement blanket. Plus, two single duvets could help both in the bed nod off quicker, and stay asleep for longer. Here’s how:

Temperature control

Not all duvets are created equal, and the doona you choose will almost always come down to personal preference. Cold sleepers may prefer weighted, thick doonas that retain more heat, while the hot sleepers out there would prefer a lightweight cover that allows for more air to pass through. By using two single doonas, both sleepers will get their way.

“Some people prefer the feeling of a heavy duvet on them during the night, while others prefer something that is lighter and more airy. If your preference is different to your sleeping partnerā€™s, it can cause restless and frustrated nights,” IKEA says.

In addition, having a solo duvet means there’s no cold gap running down the middle of the bed. In being covered on all sides, those who prefer a warm environment can sleep more soundly.

Position freedom

While some like to feel cocooned in their blankets, others prefer to hang feet of the end of the bed and stick their legs out (for the monsters to eat). Having two doonas, again, gives each sleeper the space to position their doona how they please. “Itā€™s much easier to sleep the way you like with two duvets and avoid the inevitable tug-of-war that comes with having only one duvet,” says IKEA.

And when morning comes, having two doonas allows one person to get up earlier than the other without waking their partner up with a cold gust out of air.

“You and your sleeping partner can wake up and start the day the way that you like, whether that be snoozing the alarm for a little bit longer or sitting up in bed and starting the day with a cup of coffee and a book.”

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