Activities to Add to Your Summer Self-Care List

The summer season presents you with a plethora of options for self-care activities. No longer bound to solely indoor affairs, getting out and about in summer (in a COVID-safe way, of course) is a highlight of the season.

While you might roll your eyes at the mention of “self-care”, the practice of showing yourself attention and engaging in activities that fill your cup is worthwhile. 2020 has been equal parts stressful and anxiety-inducing, so prioritising self-care is important for your mental health.

While this summer will undoubtedly look different from ones before, for us lucky folks in Australia, we still have the opportunity to create a self-care list of activities to tick off over the next few months. If you’re in need of a little inspiration when it comes to activities that are both fun and relaxing, here are a few things we’ll be doing over summer.

Picnicking on the regular

Outdoor dining really comes into its own in summer. Laying down a picnic blanket and topping it with containers of dips, crackers and cheese, as well as tipple or two, is something we’ll be doing regularly over the coming months.

The options of picnicking are endless and it can be done pretty much anywhere: at the park, at the beach or in your backyard. A picnic can also be a social activity, with your friends each bringing food to add to the smorgasbord, or a solo activity in which you sit outside, eat some delicious food and read a book, listen to music or simply people watch.

Having a picnic allows you to slow down the process of eating and lets you enjoy the process of grazing on food in a relaxed environment. There’s no rushing with a picnic, as you’re not taking up table space like in a restaurant or café. And, cheese and wine are most definitely considered self-care in our book.

Hitting up the infrared sauna

Taking an hour out of your day to have an infrared sauna session is a great way to practice self-care. For those living in cities, you probably have an infrared sauna studio local to you where you can book appointments.

Unlike a traditional sauna which heats the air inside, an infrared sauna uses infrared light to create heat that warms up your body rather than the air around you. The health benefits of infrared sauna therapy are also far-reaching and can help improve your sleep, boost circulation and treat skin conditions like acne, psoriasis and eczema.

The process of using an infrared sauna is also super relaxing. The sauna itself can usually only fit two people, so you can go alone or take a friend and spend an hour chilling out in the sauna, listening to music or reading. Afterwards, you’ll feel refreshed and reinvigorated.

Going to the beach

While this is the most obvious summer activity, we couldn’t leave a trip to the beach off the list. Spending a few hours at the beach, lying on the sand (with lots of sunscreen and under an umbrella!) and frolicking in the water is not only fun but a great place to relax.

A beach trip doesn’t have to be a whole day affair either. Head down early in the morning for a dip or simply grab a book and your umbrella and spend a while reading — sounds like a pretty ideal plan to us!

Heading out on a bushwalk

Any activity that gets us away from screens is a good one and bushwalking does just that. Not only is bushwalking great for your physical health but it’s great for your mental health too. It allows you to temporarily step away from the fast pace of modern life and connect with nature — something that is often hard to do when you live in metro areas. Google bushwalking tracks around where you live and consider heading out for a hike with a few friends to make it a social experience, should you wish.

Having an outdoor movie night

Make the most of the weather by hosting an outdoor movie night. Projectors are relatively cheap these days and investing in one means you’ll be able to screen TV series and movies in your backyard. Simply lay a few blankets and pillows on the ground to sit on and string up a sheet or use a blank wall to project onto. What an easy way to unwind at home.

If you’re not into the DIY vibe, Mov’in Boat is your best option. The floating cinema experience allows you to watch a movie on a 4k 15-metre screen from the comfort of a rowboat, a summer lounge bed or floating bar.

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