Tommy and Rach: Two Best Mates Hoping to Win ‘My Kitchen Rules’

Tommy and Rach

Tommy and Rach: Two close friends who have entered the My Kitchen Rules gauntlet. These Western Australian mates often get mistaken for lovers, but they are just super close mates.

As it stands, Tommy is a freelance graphic designer. Meanwhile, Rach works in the fashion industry. But do these two have what it takes to win My Kitchen Rules? Here are the details we know.

Tommy and Rach vs. My Kitchen Rules

According to Tommy and Rach, they can win My Kitchen Rules because they’re excellent communicators. They know what the other person needs from them, as to avoid a disaster.

“Rach and I have amazing communication,” said Tommy in a press release. “We are super complementary. She’s very micro, and I am super macro. Yin and yang.”

Likewise, Rach described their dynamic as “playful, focused, and supportive.”

What’s more, this pair is incredibly confident in their cooking skills. 

As Tommy said, “I am a mean cheese platter artist. My mates know me for putting together the perfect platter.”

Rach also complimented her own skillset, and said that her signature dish is some delish lamb cutlets

However, My Kitchen Rules isn’t in the bag. Tommy is worried that Nick and Christian might take them down, thinking that they are his main competition. He said that they have very similar styles.

Additionally, Rach thinks that all of the My Kitchen Rules contestants might crush them. She described this season’s competition as “fierce.” 

So, are Tommy and Rach right to be concerned? Or will they sledge the other competitors? Only the future knows the truth.

My Kitchen Rules premieres at 7.30pm on Monday, September 4. It will be airing on both Channel 7 and the 7plus app.

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