Sonia and Marcus: The Mum and Son Fighting for ‘My Kitchen Rules’ Glory

Sonia and Marcus

Channel 7

Sonia and Marcus: A mother and son duo who’ve stepped up to the My Kitchen Rules plate. These South Australian family members care for each other a tonne, but they also fight like cats and dogs.

Sonia is a high school teacher who has a library of over a thousand cookbooks. Meanwhile, Marcus owns a food videography business. He knows how to make those Instagram feeds pop.

But does this pair have the skills to slay My Kitchen Rules? Here’s what we know.

Sonia and Marcus vs. My Kitchen Rules

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According to Sonia and Marcus, they both have different skills under their respective belts, and hope that this diversity might give them an upper hand over the course of the season.

Sonia said of herself, “I am a curious cook who takes every opportunity to learn from people around me.”

What’s more, Marcus called his kitchen-self “determined“.

“I practise and I adapt constantly,” said Marcus, “because I’m determined to grow and reach my potential.”

Sonia’s signature dish is an orange chiffon cake. On the other hand, the signature dish Marcus makes is steak sandwiches.

But why is Marcus on the sandwich wagon? Well, in a press release, he said, “Sometimes the simple stuff done properly is the best.”

However, Sonia and Marcus do have a My Kitchen Rules weakness. Themselves. This pair is known for fighting a tonne in the kitchen.

Sonia said if the judges Manu Feildel and Colin Fassnidge knew how she and her son worked, “they would think they were at the circus.”

My Kitchen Rules premieres at 7.30pm on Monday, September 4. It will be airing on both Channel 7 and the 7plus app.

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