Can Big Brother Australia’s Taras Hrubyj-Piper Take on the Royals?

taras big brother royalty vs new contenders 2022 cast

Channel 7

Big Brother Royalty Vs New Contenders is in full swing, and this year, the stakes are higher than ever.

For our New Contenders, the challenge isn’t just to make it to the end. They also have to go up against some of the most beloved people in Big Brother Australia’s history, including past winners Reggie Bird, Tim Dormer and Trevor Butler. With such fierce competition, this season is set to be one of the toughest yet for our new crop of housemates.

Musician Taras Hrubyj-Piper believes he has what it takes to evict all the Royals and have Australia crown him the winner of Big Brother 2022.

Hrubyj-Piper is a musician and creative, who spends his time writing music for the band Sticky Fingers, as well as playing multiple instruments in his own band, The Lulu Raes. When that’s not keeping him busy, he’s also a music teacher.

A longtime fan of the US version of Survivor, Hrubyj-Piper believes he’s ready for the latest iteration of Big Brother, with its epic endurance challenges and strategic gameplay.

In his pre-show-Q&A, Hrubyj-Piper said that his biggest assets going into the house would be his “will power”, the insight he has into himself, the ability to read others well, as well as his “humour and easy-going nature”.

On the other hand, he’s expecting to run into trouble when it comes to “over-sharing, especially in this game of strategy”.

He’s also a bit concerned about the “potential frustration at being with people 24/7 for a while”, explaining: “I’m not always good at processing emotions in real time. I find it better to go off and work on stuff”.

In his everyday life, Hrubyj-Piper is a true eccentric who’s all about embracing himself fully, quirks and all. He prides himself on breaking down the stereotypes of toxic masculinity.

Calling Big Brother Australia “an incredible opportunity to experience what happens to us individually and in a group when put under extreme and strange circumstances”, Hrubyj-Piper said that he’s most looking forward to “making new friends” and “being sage in a majority” alliance… “at least early on”.

Hrubyj-Piper’s strategy for his time in the house is to get in with the strongest players in the house and arm himself with as much intelligence and information as he can possibly gather. When it comes time to manipulate and make big moves to protect himself, you can expect to see some real gameplay from him.

On the other hand, he’s not looking forward to finding himself in the minority when it comes time for nominations, and “not being as good at challenges as [he thinks he] will be”.

Hrubyj-Piper expects to be an “easy going” and “fun” housemate who’s “interested in other people”.

“I may get in trouble for fighting when I believe in something, even if it’s small, which may put a target on my back,” he mused. “I will definitely make strong relationships if I get in there and last long enough.”

Will Hrubyj-Piper’s strategy pay off? Only time will tell. Until then…

Big Brother Royalty Vs New Contenders airs Monday – Wednesdays, only on Channel 7 and 7 Plus.

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