62-Year-Old ‘Australian Survivor’ Hero Gerry Proves That Age Won’t Stop Him

australian survivor heroes vs villains 2023 gerry geltch

Network Ten

Fraser Island tourism pilot Gerry Geltch has made his Australian SurvivorHeroes Vs Villains debut. During his 35-year career, he has endured plane crashes, passenger rescues and saved people from beach dangers. The safety of others has always come before his own. So, it’s no question that he’s a part of the Heroes tribe.

Despite recognising that his kindness could be viewed as a weakness in the game, he remains undeterred and admires the previous player Tarzan. With experience as a free climber, free diver, spear fisher, and Latin dancer, Gerry is comfortable with the beach life and is unfazed by the challenges of Samoa.

“I’m as fit as I can be at my age, I’m a very social person, but I’m also strategic,” he said in a press statement. “I’ll be observing my opponents and identifying those I can work and align with, as well as those I can’t. As the game progresses, I’ll become more assertive and start playing bigger and bigger.”

Gerry’s reasons for participating in the game are twofold. First, he wants to prove to himself that he can compete at 62 years old. Second, he hopes to inspire others his age to try new things and not give up on life’s adventures.

Tune into Australian Survivor: Heroes Vs Villains only on 10 and 10 Play on Demand.

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