Another day, another TikTok hack. This time it involves the unlikely combination of fruit, vegetables and a dishwasher.
With research showing how COVID-19 can survive on surfaces, our collective hygiene practices have strengthened. And while there’s been no evidence that it can spread via fresh produce, taking extra precautions is completely understandable.
One TikTok user, called @smilelop, has shared how she cleans her fresh produce in the dishwasher, as reported by 7News.
In the bottom drawer of the dishwasher, she puts in punnets of berries, cucumbers and a whole pineapple while the top drawer holds grapes, apples, celery and tomatoes — to name a few.

The TikTok user also adds in a capful of distilled white vinegar, where detergent is usually placed to help deep clean the fruit and veggies. Then, she pops the dishwasher on a gentle cold cycle and lets it do all the work.
White vinegar is commonly used as a natural way to clean produce, by simply diluting it with water you can effectively and safely remove dirt, pesticides and grime built up on the produce.
The TikTok video has been viewed over a million times and has proven popular with users, with one person writing, “Thanks for the tip! This was so much easier than hand washing!”