
The Prince, An Animated Comedy By Sass Queen Gary Janetti Is Coming

gary janetti

According to Hollywood, Gary Janetti is television royalty, having written and produced shows such as Family Guy and Will and Grace.

But to many pop culture fans, he is the face behind real royalty — Prince George. Well, sort of.

Janetti’s Instagram account, which has nearly 1 million followers is a satirical look at the British royal family — and pokes fun at the relentless media coverage through the eyes of George, the future King of England.

And now, due to the success of the account — and Janetti’s whip-smart view of the world — HBO Max has greenlit a new animated comedy, The Prince.

Announced by DeadlineJanetti will voice the titular character, alongside a confirmed cast including Orlando Bloom (Carnival Row) who will play Prince Harry, Condola Rashad (Billions) who will play his wife, Meghan Markle; Lucy Punch (Motherland) will voice Kate Middleton, while Iwan Rheon (Game of Thrones) will voice Prince William.

Tom Hollander, known for American Dad will voice Prince Philip and Prince Charles, alongside Frances De La Tour (Dolittle) who will play Queen Elizabeth.

Instinct actor Alan Cumming is voicing a new addition to the royal family, Owen, Prince George’s butler and quite frankly, this sounds amazing.

Deadline describes The Prince as “a biting, satirical look at the life of Prince George of Cambridge, the youngest heir to the British throne, as he navigates the trials and tribulations of being a royal child.”

“In each episode, George will find his path in life as a young prince in modern times – from the 775 rooms of Buckingham Palace to his family’s sea of corgis to primary school with commoners.”

Sarah Aubrey, head of original content at HBO Max, said that the network is “excited to bring the world Gary’s created on Instagram”.

“George can be hilarious, shocking, and surprisingly sweet. We can’t wait to see what Gary does with a bigger canvas to paint on than just a 1:1 square,” she said in a statement.

Before this highly anticipated series hits our screens, let’s take a look at some of Gary’s best work on Instagram.





We. Cannot. Wait.