
Press Beauty Founder Tammy Green on Using a Dermal Roller for Natural Collagen Stimulation

Press Beauty

When Tammy Green was diagnosed with endometriosis a few months after launching her brand, Press Beauty, it caused Green to reevaluate the products she was creating. After putting the business on hiatus to redevelop the brand, Green relaunched Press Beauty this year.

“All Press Beauty products are now 100% natural,” Green told TheLatch—. “I am extremely passionate about using simple, safe and effective products, that cause as little harm to ourselves and to our environment as possible.”

This pause allowed Green to hone in on her mission for Press Beauty, which offers effective serums, oils and beauty tools, while also giving her the chance “to educate and raise awareness about endometriosis, and encourage others to make choices to help avoid a similar diagnosis.”

One of the new launches from Press Beauty is The Activator Dermal Roller, which can be used on your face, scalp and body. According to Green, it’s a great natural collagen stimulator and it also encourages hair growth when used on the scalp.

“The Activator promotes the stimulation of collagen production and blood flow, which can help to improve the appearance of skin tone, texture, scars, stretch marks, fine lines and wrinkles,” Green said.

TheLatch— caught up with Tammy Green to chat all things natural beauty, dermal rolling and relaunching a brand.

Alexandra McCarthy: Hi Tammy! Can you please tell us a little bit about Press Beauty and what inspired you to create it?

Tammy Green: Suffering with an acne as an adolescent, I became extremely passionate about health, beauty and wellness, on the quest to clear my skin. I had always imagined working in this industry, until, a side project that I started during university — my fashion label, Prene Bags — took off, and quickly consumed me, evolving into a career that I love.

However, there was something inside that was calling me to return to my first passion and create the skincare products that I wish I had when I was younger. Taking the key ingredients and components that really helped me — a simple routine that was antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and high in antioxidants — and Press Beauty was born.

Tammy Green
Tammy Green. Image supplied.

AM: I read that you were diagnosed with endometriosis not long after launching Press Beauty. How has this diagnosis resulted in changes in the business?

TG: After months of consistent and undiagnosed pain soon after launching Press Beauty, I was told I had endometriosis; a condition affecting one in 10 women, yet a condition I knew little about. In the following months of treatment, not only did I learn about the detrimental effect of standard beauty products on the endocrine system, but that many of the toxic chemicals I had previously sought out to help clear my acne could have possibly contributed to my illness.

Endometriosis is caused by the lining of your uterus, which usually comes out when you have your period, to grow in other places, most commonly on organs. It is frequently found in the bowel and bladder and has also been found in muscle, joints, the lungs and the brain.

When it grows in these places, it has nowhere to escape — causing pain, inflammation and potential cysts. The only way to treat it is by cutting it out via surgery. Even then, it is not perfect. Surgery creates scar tissue. The more surgery you have, the more scar tissue, which can grow and can also cause organs to fuse together. And of course, if it’s found on your ovaries or fallopian tubes, it can lead to infertility.

After recovering from surgery and endometriosis treatment, I turned my attention back to Press Beauty, redeveloping the brand with the mission to provide better skincare alternatives. Taking the business on hiatus to significantly reformat the products with all-natural and safe ingredients, Press Beauty relaunched in 2020 to offer not only beautiful and effective products, but to educate and raise awareness about endometriosis, and encourage others to make choices to help avoid a similar diagnosis

“After recovering from surgery and endometriosis treatment, I turned my attention back to Press Beauty, redeveloping the brand with the mission to provide better skincare alternatives.”

AM: What changes did you make to Press Beauty during this hiatus?

TG: All Press Beauty products are now 100% natural. I also developed and added a range of beauty tools to the collection, such as The Activator Dermal Roller — a natural collagen stimulation/hair growth device. I am extremely passionate about using simple, safe and effective products, that cause as little harm to ourselves and to our environment as possible.


AM: What were some of the non-negotiables for you when it came to creating products?

TG: As everything you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream, all ingredients had to be natural, safe and necessary. It’s not just about skin health, but overall health.

AM: What are the benefits of using The Activator dermal roller on your skin?

TG: The Activator Dermal Roller is best used two to three times a week on your target area. The Activator promotes the stimulation of collagen production and blood flow, which can help to improve the appearance of skin tone, texture, scars, stretch marks, fine lines and wrinkles.

The Activator can also be used on the scalp to encourage hair growth. Through creating micro-channels in the skin, The Activator triggers your body’s natural healing response and allows topical products to absorb at ultimate efficacy. It’s a little magic wand.

“The Activator triggers your body’s natural healing response and allows topical products to absorb at ultimate efficacy.”

AM: What is your ultimate hero product from Press Beauty that everyone needs to try?

TG: Swipies. Suitable for all skin types (even delicate baby skin) Swipies are a completely chemical-free, non-irritating, gentle alternative to cleansing. Made up of super soft, reusable, ultra-fine knitted fibres, when wet, Swipies can reach down into even the smallest of lines and pores to thoroughly grab hold of and remove makeup, dirt and impurities.

Not only is this ultra-fine fibre composition completely unique, but Swipies are also the largest-sized reusable makeup removing towel on the market, making them the better value, economical choice for sustainable cleansers. A small section of the towel will easily clean your entire face, and the black fibres do not stain or discolour.


AM: What is your personal approach to beauty? What’s important for you when it comes to the products you use on your skin?

TG: Less is more. I have to be able to read, understand and know every single ingredient that I am using. I have become very good with labels, and I know what works for my skin, and what doesn’t. I highly recommend the book “Truth In Beauty” which is a very eye-opening and easy to comprehend encyclopedia of skincare ingredients and terms.

“Less is more. I have to be able to read, understand and know every single ingredient that I am using.”

AM: The last few months have undoubtedly been rough for everyone. How have you been prioritising your health (both mental and physical) during this time?

TG: I have been making time for myself first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I have the app “Bloom” where I listen to a five minute guided meditation first thing upon waking, followed by a quick walk around the neighbourhood to get some fresh air into my lungs and blood pumping before I sit at the computer all day.

At night, “me time”, is my skincare routine, a cup of tea with a good show or book, followed by another meditation before bed. It’s so important to do something positive and calming for yourself every day, even just for a few minutes, when the world feels like it’s falling apart.

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