Guys Getting Perms Is the Latest Beauty Trend On TikTok


The 1980s was a time of permed hair, high waisted jeans, mullets and spandex. Funnily enough, all of these trends have come back into vogue in recent years.

There has been a resurgence in popularity of the permed hairstyle in 2020, and it’s guys who have jumped on this trend.

Men and young boys are taking to TikTok to document their hair perming process and to be honest, the results are really good.

As Allure has pointed out, if you type #perm into TikTok you’ll be greeted with a plethora of videos of people getting their hair permed — with many of them posted by guys.

When we say perm, we’re not talking about super tight curls (à la Napoleon Dynamite) but rather a more tousled, relaxed wave that feels more Timothée Chalamet meets Harry Styles. It’s pretty damn chic.

According to Nikko Mendez, a TikTok user who has also started perming his hair, the trend started with influencers.

“There are some influencers who’ve done this and people are just following the wave,” he told Allure. “It’s unique and draws attention but in a subtle way — it’s a good confidence booster, especially when you’ve cycled through many hairstyles.”

It’s also a good method to impart style into those hair types that are naturally straight, which is why Antoine Saleh (below) took up perming.

“It had always been on the back of my mind to get a perm,” he told Allure. “Being half Chinese, I have straight, thick hair that isn’t very malleable.”

One thing that many of these TikTok users have in common is their hairstyle pre-perm. Many of them are sporting short, back and sides (or a full-on bowl cut), which seems to help them achieve the wavy texture on top without turning their full head of hair into a mop of curls.

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