
How Remaining Positive and Proactive Has Helped Peaches Pilates Pivot Its Business

Without small business, we’re nothing. TheLatch— and GoDaddy have teamed up to rally behind local businesses and entrepreneurs during this unprecedented time of change.

We’re speaking to small businesses and entrepreneurs across the country to better understand how they’re adapting to stay open, how they’re keeping their community safe, and how we can support them now during this time, and beyond. We’re focused on keeping Australia open for business, even if doors are closed. #OpenWeStand

Peaches Pilates founder Tori Clapham has one mission for her Pilates studios: Make People Feel Fucking Awesome!

So, the COVID-19 pandemic threw a spanner in the works for Clapham and her team when they closed their studio doors — effectively cutting off their means of making clients feel amazing (as well as its main source of income).

But, Clapham was able to pivot Peaches Pilates online and now, you can access all the peachy goodness from home.

“We essentially had to transform our entire business model within 24 hours,” Clapham told TheLatch—.

“However, we’ve chosen to remain positive and proactive during this time, and we are so lucky to have a business that we CAN mould, and shape to fit the current climate. We know that many can’t, so we’re very grateful to be in that position.”

Clapham told TheLatch— about all the ways her team is working to provide the same great experience for clients, albeit, digitally.

TheLatch— Could you please tell us about your business and why you love what you do? What gets you up in the morning?

Tori Clapham: Peaches Pilates has three studio locations in Sydney — Bondi, Maroubra and Cronulla — as well as an online program which is loved by many around the world — 24 countries and counting!

We also host events and retreats, like the #LOVEYOURPEACH events, which are based around exploring identity and self-acceptance. However, Peaches is so much more than a studio, an event or an online workout — it’s a community.

“Peaches is so much more than a studio, an event or an online workout — it’s a community.”

Peaches exists to improve the lives of others and to foster a fun, loving, cheeky and all-round supportive network — this is reflected in the business mission statement – MPFFA. Make People Feel Fucking Awesome!


TL: How has your business been affected by coronavirus?

TC: We essentially had to transform our entire business model within 24 hours. Two weeks ago, we made the decision to shut the doors of our three studios. It was a heart-wrenching thing to do, and to be honest, felt like business suicide.

However, we’ve chosen to remain positive and proactive during this time, and we are so lucky to have a business that we CAN mould, and shape to fit the current climate. We know that many can’t, so we’re very grateful to be in that position.

Mainly, though, we are grateful for our beautiful clients — and steadfast community of women — who have vowed to support us, through thick and thin. It’s a pretty amazing feeling.

“We are lucky to have a business that we can mould, and shape to fit the current climate.”

TL: What does it mean for you now?

TC: It means that our studio classes are now entirely online — LIVE! Figuring out the challenges of live workouts, and finding the best was to continue to connect with our clients in a real, fun and authentic way has been quite cool to work through.

For example, we have ‘Meet us at the Barre’ on Friday afternoons — an afternoon Barre workout, where we encourage our clients to have a drink handy so that after the class they can stick around and enjoy a Friday drink over a chat through the screen.

We’re also keeping our community vibes strong through starting cooking tutorials on IGTV, and chatting about ALL things in our Facebook group; which is for anyone who ‘identifies as a Peach’ — so not just studio or online members — it’s a place for anyone who knows and loves Peaches to connect, have a laugh and share advice.

TL: Have you put any immediate plans in place to pivot your business?

TC: Aside from our live workouts, we also have our first ‘Revival’ coming up, which is usually hosted in the studios. It’s going to be a 21-day challenge — naturally, Quarantined themed — with all the things we’d usually include in-person — unlimited classes, workshops, prizes and more.

TL: How can the community support your business in the short term?

TC: By joining a Live class, or buying our online program — which by the way, comes with free equipment, and has no expiry or subscription!

Also, one of the best things anyone can do for a small business is to share what they love about their service to a friend, or even better, through their social media channels.

Word of mouth is the most genuine way to attract new clients for any business, so if you had takeaway from a restaurant lately that you loved, tried a Pilates class with us that made you rethink your muscle groups, or found a great gift from an online retailer for your bestie — let people know!

“Word of mouth is the most genuine way to attract new clients for any business.”

My #1 sentiment during this time is to remember that if you love having a local delicatessen and wine store, rather than having to go to Woolworths, or a boutique fitness studio, rather than a big box gym, or a lovely homewares store with the best quality decor, over Kmart, then support these businesses through this time.

Otherwise, they might not be able to reopen their doors when this is over. And what a sad world that would be — with no quirky, family-owned, hard-working small businesses that are part of the building blocks of a local community.


TL: Will the current health pandemic change the way you operate your business in the long term?

TC: Yes! I think we’ve all rethought the way we were living our lives or operating our businesses. Our Live classes have proven to be fabulously popular, so we will continue to find them a long-term home, even after our studios reopen.

From a personal perspective, this time has been a great opportunity for me to realise that I was overworked and just a tad burnt out, so my energy levels weren’t high enough — nor was my spare time ample enough to explore some creative projects I have wanted to dabble in for years.

For example, my cooking tutorials, which I have managed to begin this week! There are silver linings to any situation, so we’re choosing to look at this insular time as a chance to reflect, regroup, and reprioritise!

Never in our lives will we take for granted a joyful dinner with a big group of friends, cuddling a beautiful client, or even shaking the hand of a friendly stranger.  Priorities will shift, and what’s important to us will be ever so clear and that’s something good that will come out of this situation.

Join a live Peaches Pilates class and workout from home.

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