
Fluidform Pilates Founder Kirsten King on How to Stay Engaged With Exercise At Home

Fluidform Pilates

Kirsten King is the founder and principal instructor of Fluidform Pilates — a series of Pilates studios located in Surry Hills and Clovelly as well as an at-home program.

King is beloved by her Fluidform devotees and counts Pip Edwards as a loyal follower to her method of movement. Through her detailed program, King caters for the majority including those who haven’t exercised in a while, those in rehabilitation after injury or surgery and pre and post-natal mums.

When COVID-19 restrictions forced the closure of the two studios earlier this year, clients were able to access their movement via the Fluidform at Home program — providing accountability and flexibility when many craved it the most.

“I’ve always felt most motivated and active when surrounded by motivated and active people,” King told TheLatch—. “Whether you’re a first-timer, Pilates expert or looking for a total mental and physical transformation, we have created something that works for everyone.”

While in-person classes are back in full swing at the Fluidform studios, for those who are still spending most of their time at home (whether it’s government-mandated or not), prioritising exercise can be difficult. Particularly when it feels like you’re living the same day over and over again.

To reignite your relationship with exercise, King recommends working smarter, not harder. This way, you should feel connected to your movement rather than suffering through it.

“My secret is consistency over intensity, so I recommend keeping your exercise routine short and effective so you are more likely to move every day,” she said. “Focus your workouts on specific parts of your body to really target these problem areas with moves that will strengthen and tone your muscles.”

TheLatch— recently caught up with Kirsten King to chat all things Fluidform Pilates, making movement apart of your day and what the last few months have been like for her.

AM: Hi Kirsten! For those who might not have any experience with Pilates, what are some of the benefits of this form of exercise?

Kirsten King: Pilates brings about both physical and mental transformation. With regular practice, you’ll see your body change physically as you become stronger and more flexible.

Pilates will improve your posture and overall functional movement making you feel and look better. Alongside the physical change comes the mental strength and positivity that stems from improving your physicality. Every day we see the life-changing impact Pilates has on our clients and our Fluidform at Home community. Whether Pilates is guiding you through an injury or pregnancy or simply improving your overall health, the results are transformative.

AM: With months of work and exercise being grounded to our homes (especially for those in Victoria), how can we stay engaged with movement? 

KK: My secret is consistency over intensity, so I recommend keeping your exercise routine short and effective so you are more likely to move every day. Focus your workouts on specific parts of your body to really target these problem areas with moves that will strengthen and tone your muscles.

Secondly, create a space in your home dedicated to movement and meditation. Make it comfortable and inviting to encourage you to use it daily.

And finally, stretch! Break up your work, study or routine with a flow of stretches that will sharpen your focus and allow your body to reset after long periods of sitting. Always start and finish your workouts with a gentle stretch to ensure your muscles and body feels ready and recovered.

“My secret is consistency over intensity.”

AM: What does the Fluidform at Home program entail?

KK: Fluidform at Home is an online Pilates membership service that allows our subscribers to experience the unique Fluidform method anywhere in the world. The program is set up to offer a mix of total body workouts, targeted mini blasts and Reformer classes that cater to all levels of Pilates and stages of life. We have designed personalised programs for rehabilitation, Pre- and Post-Natal recovery and introduced a series of challenges to keep our global community motivated.

We want our community to feel as if they are having an amazing Pilates workout every time they practice to build strength and flexibility. Whether you’re a first-timer, Pilates expert or looking for a total mental and physical transformation, we have created something that works for everyone.

AM: When you’re working from home, it can be tempting to sleep in a little longer, skip workouts and work through your lunch break. What are some of your tips for staying healthy at home?

KK: I’ve always felt most motivated and active when surrounded by motivated and active people. Keep yourself accountable by teaming up with a friend or joining a community of like-minded people to share workouts, recipes and messages of motivation.

We run an ongoing Buddy Challenge where we match members together based on their level of Pilates, age and where they live. The idea of the Buddy Challenge is to motivate and support each other while keeping yourself accountable to get in your ‘me time’ and daily movement. Make this time a non-negotiable every day.

AM: What are some of your other non-negotiables when it comes to your health and wellbeing?

KK: Other than moving my body through a Pilates sequence each day, family time and my nutrition play a huge part in keeping my physical and mental wellbeing in check. Having more time at home to spend with my three girls and husband has been a gift, and I know how important spending quality time with family has been on my health. Other non-negotiables for me include drinking three litres of water per day and maintaining my skincare routine!

“Family time and my nutrition play a huge part in keeping my physical and mental wellbeing in check.”

AM: What does your personal approach to exercise look like? Do you schedule in time for movement when you’re not teaching classes?

KK: While I spend almost all day every day in the studio training our clients, it can be hard to find the time to work out myself. Finding this time means someone else is missing out. To work around this and ensure I get in some ‘me time’, I like to do at least one 20-minute workout every day that targets a specific muscle group.

Since we launched Fluidform at Home I’ve found it so much easier to squeeze in a short, targeted workout literally wherever I am, at any point of the day — there are no excuses!

Otherwise, if I have a spare moment I’ll jump into a class with one of my instructors — they are all unique in how they train so it’s a great way to learn from them and mentor them.

It’s so important to mix up your routine by listening to your body and doing what feels right. Practice mindfully and consistently and you will see and feel results.

AM: The last few months have been pretty tough for everyone. How have you been taking care of your health — both physically and mentally?

KK: Keep moving, eating well and staying in touch with my friends and spending quality time with my family. Whether it is a phone call or socially distanced walk, catching up with a friend can be incredibly beneficial to my mental health. I’ve felt so lucky to be surrounded by such a strong support network of friends, family and colleagues during a time that can feel very isolating and daunting.

AM: What have been some of the silver linings that have come out of spending more time at home?

KK: A chance to slow down. Life was becoming so fast-paced and chaotic, while I am naturally a busy and active person it has been nice to slow down my routine and see others around me do the same. We can definitely become easily overwhelmed with deadlines and schedules. Lately, I’ve found it easier to prioritise and create a healthier balanced lifestyle.

I’ve also realised the importance of movement and exercise in maintaining a healthy mind and body. Giving myself the flexibility to workout wherever with simple equipment and effective movements I have no excuse to not fit in my daily Pilates practice!

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