
This Is How 5 Trainers Find Motivation to Workout When Working Towards Fitness Goals

Motivation is a fickle thing. When it comes to exercise, finding the motivation to move your body can be tricky.

It can come in bursts where you feel motivated to smash out your workouts to meet your fitness goals and quickly ebb into exercise feeling like a chore. Whatever your relationship is with motivation, just know that it’s impossible to feel constantly motivated — be it in exercise or any other area of your life.

So, we turned to five fitness instructors to see how they motivate themselves when they’re not feeling super motivated because it happens to us all.

— Sam Webb

For actor, motivational speaker and founder of mental health charity, Livin’, Sam Webb, it’s about making a contract with yourself to show up.

“In order to smash my fitness goals, I make a mental contract with myself — which holds me accountable to do my best, no matter what’s at stake,” Webb told TheLatch—.


— Cassey Maynard

It’s all about popping on some music to help motivate you to move your body for trainer and yoga instructor, Cassey Maynard.

“Match your movement and music to your mood or cycle. This way of moving will avoid burnout and bad moods!”


— Molly Kat Gay  

Pilates and group fitness instructor Molly Kat Gay recommends scheduling in your workout so you can’t miss it.

“My number one hack is to schedule your workout in! Put it in your calendar as a non-negotiable ‘meeting’. This will deter you and others from booking something in at this time, so there are no excuses!”.


— Jessica Sarah Arrowsmith

For trainer Jessica Sarah Arrowsmith, the post-workout endorphins inspire her to exercise.

“I love to think of working out as a form of self-therapy. It’s ‘me’ time. In order to give back to others and perform as my best self day-to-day to those around me and in everything I do, I need to take that ‘me’ time. If you’re feeling unmotivated, especially after a long day just remember: you only regret the workouts you don’t do. Plus, who doesn’t love a good rush of endorphins kicking in after a sweaty session?”


— Hayley Westoby

Hayley Westoby recommends taking it easy when motivation is at an all-time low and mix up your usual workout regime for something a little gentler like walking. Moving your body will always make you feel better but you don’t have to smash yourself to do so.

“Firstly it’s not uncommon to be unmotivated, motivation isn’t something we find or have. So first and foremost, if you find you’ve lost that motivation, acknowledge it, and do what you can to get out of that slump. Some things I find that help me when I am feeling unmotivated are just to MOVE, now that might not be your regular online HIIT class or run, but walking or doing something low intensity could be the one thing you need to kick start that motivation within. Remember it’s not something you find and collect for life, it will always come and go!”.


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