
Damn Gina Founder Sue Jayanth on Why Silk Accessories Are the Kindest for Your Hair

Damn Gina

If you’re new to the world of silk hair accessories like turbans, scrunchies and pillowcases, you’re in for a real treat. Silk is a godsend for all hair but works particularly well for curly and coily hair, which is what inspired founder Sue Jayanth to create Damn Gina — a Melbourne-based brand that creates silk accessories for textured hair.

The reason silk is so great for your locks is down to the fact it’s made mainly out of protein and held together by amino acids. These are the same amino acids that are found in your hair.

“With age, genetics, external factors, constant use of chemicals and heat, the bonds in the amino acid chain can break down causing breakage, frizz and limp hair,” Jayanth told TheLatch—.

No matter your hair type, swapping your cotton or linen pillowcase for a silk one will result in less frizz and you’ll also avoid those pesky lines that pillowcases can leave on your face after a night of sleep.

“Silk, when used regularly, helps repair these bonds and the fabric’s smooth texture is an added bonus as it reduces friction and sleep lines — one of the main causes for wrinkles,” Jayanth said.

“Silk is also thermoregulating — which means it adjusts according to your body temperature for that quality sleep.”

TheLatch— recently spoke to Sue Jayanth about launching Damn Gina, why silk is the way forward for hair accessories and how she is navigating the COVID-19 pandemic from a business perspective.

Alexandra McCarthy: Can you please tell us a little bit about Damn Gina and how it came about? How did you come to fall in love with silk?

Sue Jayanth: Sure! Damn Gina is a silk hair accessories brand that creates hair accessories for textured hair. After years of chemically straightening my hair and damaging it in the process, it was time for me to embrace my natural curls and start caring for it. When I started educating myself about curl care, a silk bonnet was something all curly specialists recommended — but the offerings in the market were mainly polyester satin, lower quality silk or something that wasn’t cute.

That was my aha moment — make a quality product that not only helps keep hair healthy but also looks cute and can be worn outdoors — whilst travelling, lounging by the pool or just hanging with friends. The properties and the look of silk are on par none. The texture, flow of the fabric, it’s history and the luxury associated with silk can make anyone fall in love.

Damn Gina
Sue Jayanth. Image supplied.

AM: Why is silk so great for your hair?

SJ: Silk is mainly made of protein and held together by amino acids — the same amino acids that are present in our hair and gives our hair the structure and strength. With age, genetics, external factors, constant use of chemicals and heat, the bonds in the amino acid chain can break down causing breakage, frizz and limp hair.

Silk, when used regularly, helps repair these bonds and the fabric’s smooth texture is an added bonus as it reduces friction and sleep lines — one of the main causes for wrinkles.

AM: Why is it superior to sleep on silk compared to other fabrics like cotton or linen?

SJ: Silk has a smooth surface which minimises friction with your skin and hair. Silk is also thermoregulating — means it adjusts according to your body temperature for that quality sleep. This wonderful fabric is also known for its hypoallergenic properties and is resistant to mites and other allergens.

“This wonderful fabric is also known for its hypoallergenic properties and is resistant to mites and other allergens.”

AM: Is silk beneficial for all different hair types?

SJ: All hair types can benefit from sleeping on silk. But silk is a must-have for textured hair because curly hair is prone to breakage, knots and frizz more than straight hair.


AM: What is your most popular product to date?

SJ: It has to be our signature silk turbans. We have sold thousands of turbans this year and they are very popular.

AM: How has social media played a role in the success of Damn Gina?

SJ: Social media has played a very crucial role in Damn Gina’s success. 71% of our sales come from Instagram and that is huge! We gained early exposure because beauty influencers like Abbie Chatfield and Martha K were seen using our products and that kind of exposure wouldn’t have been possible without social media.

“71% of our sales come from Instagram and that is huge!”

AM: 2020 has been tough! Being based in Melbourne, how have you found the last few months? 

SJ: It has definitely been challenging. I kind of breezed through the first lockdown because it felt like a much-needed break. But the second wave hit me hard. It was sudden and the realisation that this may not get over anytime soon gave way to these difficult to explain, empty, uneasy feelings.

It took a few weeks of no routine, no motivation, bad eating and a lot of wine before consciously making the decision to take care of the body and soul. Now I wake up early in the morning, do some mediation and breathwork followed by some form of physical activity. I am lucky to be living next to a creek — so evening walks have been really great.


AM: What does the rest of 2020 hold for Damn Gina? Have any of your plans been affected by the pandemic?

SJ: I am currently working on a few new and exciting things within the brand. I am about to hire our first employee, get heaps of quality content out and also working on a new product launch for our first birthday in November!

The pandemic did slow us down significantly the first half of the year as the supply chain was completely broken and our production is India was shut for months. But we are finally catching up and hope there are no more unwelcome surprises!

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