
Meet Big Brother Australia’s Most Confident Housemate Ever, Angela Clancy

Big Brother

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Mum-of-two, Angela Clancy, was born to stand out, not to blend in.

Raised in the “Beverly Hills of Kenya”, Clancy moved to Australia with her parents when she was just 17. The family, who had nothing but their suitcases with them, decided to call Perth, Western Australia home, where she still lives today.

If you’re looking for a housemate who is timid and shy, the 38-year-old is not your woman as she’s incredibly opinionated and unafraid to express herself.

According to the events manager, her outward confidence may come across as arrogance but she would rather get it all out in the open than regret things not said. But, the Big Brother housemate isn’t just loud, but she’s tough, funny, kind, and extremely devoted to her family.

Big Brother
Instagram @angeliciousclancy

Clancy entered the Big Brother house wanting to show her kids that if you put your mind to something, you can do anything.

Her goal is to be Queen Bee of the house and watch out housemate — and Big Brother for that matter — Clancy is not afraid to stand her ground if she doesn’t agree with someone.

Clancy’s pet hates are “stupid people” and bullies “make her blood boil”. She’s also extremely impatient — so, if you’re boring, she’s not interested.

The mum will be staying close to fellow go-getters in the house who are outgoing and swears she will become rebellious when she starts to feel caged — so, let’s just hope the house has her favourite tea brand.

If Clancy wins the $250k prize money, she will put it towards her mortgages and take her family on a trip to Japan.

WATCH: Meet Angela from Big Brother Australia.

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