
More Rooms and More Secrets: Here’s When Big Brother 2021 Could Be Starting

Big Brother

Since its debut series in 2000, Big Brother Australia has seen many unknowns walk into the house and walk out household names.

Last year, the game was turned on its head, when a brand new crop of housemates entered — and in a Big Brother Australian first — the entire series was pre-recorded. This year, there’s a whole new tagline: “Think you know Big Brother’s game? Think again” and we don’t know about you, but we cannot wait for the series to premiere.

But, when exactly is the show starting?

While Big Brother premiered on Monday, June 8 last year, we have a sneaking suspicion that it may be a lot sooner this year due to the fact that we are getting a continual stream of housemate reveals.

In 2020, the cast was slowly introduced a few weeks out from the start date with the top four sneakily released with bios before the official cast was released.

This year, we’re expecting a start date straight after Channel 7’s two-week spectacular, Dancing With the Stars, where, in a world first, returning fan favourites, including six champions and four wildcard entrants, will dance their hearts out for the coveted mirror ball trophy.

There’s no start date as of yet, but we’re betting Big Brother is coming, very, very soon.

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