What You Need To Know If You’re Considering Vein Treatments

Ah veins, glorious veins, we love ‘em when they’re doing their thing — you know pumping blood around the body to keep us alive — but when they turn into spider or varicose veins, we are less than thrilled. When they show up on the skin’s surface our inclination can be to want to cover up and on a more serious note they can actually be quite painful. As we approach summer (La Niña be damned!) and the first holiday period post-covid we ain’t letting anything get in our way of having a good time. So to make sure any pesky little veins don’t dampen our vibe we got the scoop from Me Clinic on everything you need to know about vein treatments. ‘Tis the season to get those gams poppin!

So What Exactly Are Spider and Varicose Veins?

We’ve probably all grown up hearing about these spooky-sounding visible veins in our legs but what actually causes them to come to the skin’s surface? For some people, blood pools in their superficial veins which can make them appear when we otherwise wouldn’t see them. Spider veins are much smaller blue or red most commonly found on the face or legs, whereas varicose veins are typically dark blue and can bulge from the skin causing painful aches. These types of veins actually affect around 30% of Australians and it is more common for women to get spider or varicose veins. So why do we get spider and varicose veins? The jury is still out on this one but research has found that if it runs in the family you’re at risk of also developing these often painful veins or if you have any hormonal changes i.e experiencing puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding or going through menopause — as if those things weren’t enough to manage on their own! Plus obesity, job that require you to stand for prolonged periods of time, heavy exercise over time.

How Do You Treat Spider and Varicose Veins?

Whether you’re wanting to feel confident in that new summer dress or if you’re really struggling with some very painful symptoms of spider and varicose veins, the good news is, they’re totally treatable. However, understanding what treatments are available and which one might be best for you is something you should consider. And of course with any procedure you’re thinking about getting we always recommend ensuring you’ve done your research as well as finding a reputable provider like Me Clinic.

There are three main treatment options for spider and varicose veins with each offering a different method in tackling the problem at hand (or at leg, as it were). Sclerotherapy, Endovenous Laser Ablation Treatment (Laser or Radiowave) and surgery are the most procedures patients will opt for when wanting to rid themselves of spider and varicose veins. But if you’re sitting there wondering what the flip any of it means, let’s break it down!


Sclerotherapy might be difficult to say ten times really quickly but in terms of noninvasive treatments this procedure is a relatively easy way to go about eliminating smaller accessory veins. Patients will opt for Sclerotherapy to prevent smaller spider or varicose veins from escalating into larger, bulging veins. In order to do this an experienced professional will use a tiny needle to inject a sclerosant solution into the veins which will help to shrink and disappear. It is recommended that you wear compression stockings (chic) and avoid intense exercising for around seven days, however daily walking is required after your treatment.

Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT)

Endovenous Laser Treatment is a great option for those wanting to tackle larger veins. A fibre-optic probe is inserted into the vein which then heats the area and ultimately closes the vein. While you may experience some tenderness around the area of the vein you are encouraged to continue moving about normally as this can actually help with healing time and procedure effectiveness.

Varicose Vein Surgery

The big ‘S’ word sounds a bit scary, however the good news is this is rarely performed these days. With advances in technology endovenous laser treatment is the gold standard treatment.

The Bottom Line on Vein Treatments

So now that we’ve explored all of the ins and outs of how vein treatments work, it’s time to hit the bottom line. With all health procedures we must consider how much it will cost and how effective it will be. When it comes to overall well being it’s important to remember the benefits of being finally free from the often painful symptoms and side effects of spider and varicose veins. Before you make your decision it might be a good idea to write a list of questions that will help inform you on which treatment might be best. Perhaps ask yourself things like ‘what is my budget’, ‘what kind of recovery time can I take?’, and ‘how could I benefit from this procedure?’ This will give you some great insights and you’ll have some answers ready to go should you wish to book a consultation to explore your options. We know it sounds like homework (snooze) but we promise it will help you in the long run and leave you more time to shop for gorge, leg-flaunting new wardrobe additions.

If you’re interested in becoming the legs eleven of your dreams then be sure to reach out to the friendly team at Me Clinic to find out more about their vein treatments today.

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