
Exactly How to Get Your Top Nine Instagram Posts

Top Nine Instagram Posts

The last week of the year follows a very specific schedule. It goes: Christmas, that weird nothing time, everyone showing off their top nine Instagram posts, New Year’s Eve.

That’s right. It’s that time of year where we rely on social media to help us look back on the year that was – the most “unprecedented” year we have collectively ever experienced. And what better way to do that than discovering the top nine posts we published throughout the year on Instagram?

The Latch has the go-to on how to get your top nine Instagram posts. You’ll get a peek at the top nine pictures from some of our team as well.

How to get your top nine Instagram posts

The regular top nine website has rebranded and moved – so you’ll have to head over to CreatorKit to discover your top nine. From there, it’s as simple as entering your username and an email address to have it sent to.

CreatorKit is also available on the App Store or GooglePlay, and with it, you can choose from different templates – or even showcase it in video format.

Then, it’s time to show off.

The Latch’s top nine

Throughout our first full year on Instagram, our audience rewarded us with over 16,000 likes over 352 posts. And what you liked the most was what was happening in the real world… and holidays. We all really want that annual leave.

Top Nine Instagram The Latch

Our wellness producer’s top nine

Kate Evans

“I had a tumultuous year, to say the least. At the beginning of this year, I was living in London and on a tour in Morocco (see: cats and camels in my top nine). Come March, I was flying back to Sydney for an indeterminate amount of time, and even went through hotel quarantine.

“It’s nice to look at this screenshot of my year, and remember joy throughout the weirdness – like the arrival of my beautiful baby niece, and celebrating my nephew’s 2nd birthday.”

Top Nine Instagram Posts

Our entertainment and news producer’s top nine

Lyndsey Rodrigues

“I spent way more time mindlessly scrolling through Instagram in 2020 (I now have a 30 min time limit set) and posted way less due to not having anywhere to go! My top nine, unsurprisingly, consists mostly of my partner, Alex, and I seeing as he was the person I spent the most time with. Considering we are currently in lockdown on the Northern Beaches, he’ll likely be the most featured person on my grid in 2021 as well!

“The other photos were all throwbacks which speaks to how much I was craving my pre-2020 life, I think. Hopefully, in 2021 my feed will be back to being full of fun travel and work pics once more.”

Our managing editor’s top nine

Valentina Todoroska

“2020 has been such a tough year for so many of us but looking back at some of the memories made during the year made me realise it wasn’t all awful.

“I started freelancing for the first time in the middle of a pandemic and was lucky enough to still be able to celebrate some milestone moments with my fiancé like our anniversary, engagement party and my bridal shower.”

Top Nine Instagram Posts

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