The Creepy Trailer for You Season 2 Is Typical Joe Up to His Old Tricks


You’d think after a whole season of deception, murder and mayhem, Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley) would have learned his lesson.

But, as we’ve come to know from the, well, psychopath, he certainly doesn’t work that way.

The new trailer for the highly anticipated second season of You has dropped and you can bet that Joe is up to his old tricks — except that this time, he isn’t Joe. He’s Will.

“Everyone is pretending to be someone they’re not,” Badgley’s voice over says as he walks up to a counter.

“Hi, can I get a name for the order?”

“Yeah, I’m Will.” Cue all the chills.

Dropping on Netflix on Boxing Day (December 26 2019), the psychological thriller is meant to be darker than the first, if that’s even possible.

While the first was set in New York, the second season is now in Los Angeles and as our antagonist laments: “Love has taken me to some pretty dark places, but Los Angeles has got to be as dark as it gets”.

Badgley’s Joe/Will eerily surveys a coffee shop full of people, with his famed holier-than-thou approach still in tact.

A woman — who resembles his old flame Beck (Elizabeth Lail) — takes a selfie.

“What they don’t see is the effort your putting into this fantasy,” Joe says in his head.

He then watches as a male with long curly hair absorbs a gluten free muffin.

“You tell yourself you live off the earth, but that breath isn’t you saving the earth. You’re preening your ego and breaking an intermittent fast.”

Then, he turns his attention to a woman writing a screenplay — but Joe is still not pleased.

“If it was a story of substance, I could forgive you for writing a screenplay instead of a book, but you’re not writing anything groundbreaking…”


In an interview with LadBible, showrunner Sera Gamble told the outlet that season two was going to be “gorier and scarier” than the first one.

“Joe is new to Los Angeles, fully intending to start over a new leaf and never being forced to do bad things again,” she said of the main character.

“Joe is always trying to be a good guy but yet somehow he’s finding himself in these thriller, horror kind of situations. It’s terrible for him but I think it’s going to be so much fun for the audience,” she added.

So, will he fall in love again, the way he did with Beck?

“We knew that it wouldn’t be possible to repeat it as the audience is very much onto Joe now and will see through him.

“The way that Love enters his life is very different. His interest in her and his expectation is also very different. I think it will be fun and interesting.”

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