Why SXSW Sydney Should Be on Your Radar

sxsw sydney 2024

Personal branding dos and don’ts, diversity as more than just a buzzword and how AI will affect sport. These are a few themes of the 1000-plus events and experiences at this year’s South By Southwest (SXSW) Sydney.

Since 1987, the event has helped creative people achieve their goals. While many businesses see its value and send their employees, it’s worth considering going on your own if that’s not the case for you. You’ll learn new things, feel inspired, and make connections with like-minded people (this year’s event has attendees from over 40 countries!).

To access SXSW Sydney you can buy a badge, wristband or ticket. Badges give you access to multiple events and come in different tiers, wristbands give you secondary access and tickets let you go to a single event with guaranteed entry.

Here are a few reasons SXSW Sydney should be on your radar — so much so that if you can’t convince your boss to let you go, you should buy a pass on your own.

You’ll Be Up-to-Date on New Tech

Some of the world’s most cutting-edge technology will be discussed and displayed at SXSW Sydney. Missing out on those talks or immersions might mean you risk being out of the loop. Particularly if you’re a leader, you want to be aware of new tech to potentially learn more efficient ways of working and see where your industry might be heading.

You’ll Be Inspired

At its core SXSW Sydney is about expanding attendees’ minds so that you leave feeling inspired. If you feel like you’re in a rut in your career or role, the event could be exactly what you need to find clarity about where you’re headed with your work and to feel motivated to keep doing whatever you’re doing. The event attracts some of Australia’s most driven professionals — their energy will undoubtedly rub off on you, putting you on the path you’re meant to be heading.

You’ll Gain Invaluable Connections

This year’s SXSW Sydney has attendees from over 40 countries, representing all sorts of industries. You might get to meet industry leaders, startup entrepreneurs and world-famous speakers. You could get to know and swap ideas with them, hopefully forging strong connections you could call on down the track. As they say, “It’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know.”

You’ll Learn New Ways of Thinking

Yes it’s great to hear people’s ideas but what’s even better is understanding the thought process that got them there. SXSW Sydney lets you learn how people think — by listening to talks, attending immersive sessions and simply chatting to other attendees after an event, asking them what they thought about what was discussed and what they’ll take away to adopt in their own role.

Be Part of History

Imagine being able to say you attended one of the first few years of SXSW in Austin, Texas. Few Australians can say that. But we can experience one of the first few years of it in Sydney. Plus there will likely be history-making moments during the event. New tech will be unveiled. Speakers will give thought-provoking speeches. And artists could do things they’ve never done before. Be part of history with SXSW Sydney.

Related: Gaming and Music Lead the Way at SXSW Sydney

Related: Every SXSW Sydney Event You Need to Catch This Year

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