
Make Your Daily Cup of Coffee Eco-Friendly With These Sustainable and Compostable Coffee Pods

Tripod Coffee

Traditional coffee pods are pretty wasteful — there’s no other way around it. While many of the big coffee pod brands now offer recycling programs, it would be great to cut out the amount of plastic being produced full stop.

That’s where Tripod Coffee comes in. The Australian brand manufactures plant-based coffee capsules that are made from 100% Australian Certified Compostable materials including bio-polymer and paper. This means these capsules are fully compostable.

In cities like Adelaide and Hobart, you can actually place your used capsule into the green bin as those city councils accept food scraps and compostable packaging. This isn’t a country-wide initiative unfortunately but there are other councils around Australia that offer the same program and can be found via this waste collection status spreadsheet.

For those of you who aren’t able to pop the capsules in your green bin, you can take part in the Pod-to-Plant Returns program run by Tripod Coffee. The team at Tripod Coffee have closed the loop on their manufacturing by creating an easy way for you to return your capsules.


All you have to do is add a $10 Return Kit to your order and Tripod will supply you with a return mail label, a compostable bag to collect your pods in and a $10 discount for your next order — making the whole process easy and at no cost to you.

After returning to Tripod, these pods are processed into organic fertiliser (which is on-sold to farmers) and green energy — pretty cool hey! Turning the pods into farm-ready nutrient-rich fertiliser also helps with regeneration, which is something that the team at Rainforest Rescue are also passionate about.

Tripod Coffee donates 1% of profits to Rainforest Rescue, an organisation dedicated to restoring Australia’s Daintree Rainforest.

Oh, and if you’re wondering about the taste of the Tripod Coffee capsules, it’s really good (and one of the many reasons why the brand has a cult following). The coffee is roasted and packed in the team’s award-winning roaster in Sydney and it’s cafe quality.

If you’re not stoked with the coffee pods and feel that the product didn’t live up to your expectation, there is also a money-back happiness guarantee. And, the pods are 100% compatible with all domestic Nespresso machines as well as those made by Breville and De’ Longhi and should work with your machine at home.

Shop Tripod Coffee capsules online to purchase a one-off Sample Pack for $49.95 or to place a reoccurring order for $44.96. Enjoy!

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