As the coronavirus pandemic continues to wreak havoc across the globe, a wide range of industries are and will continue to suffer.
While we’re all in this together, some industries have it tougher than others. A once thriving gig-economy has lost a whopping $100,000,000 in income and retailers, restaurants and event spaces have lost millions of dollars worth of revenue.
For 37-year-old Alina Ambrosia*, who recently left her career in the media industry to become a courtesan (a high-class sex-worker who works exclusively with wealthy and upper-class clients), her industry has also severely been impacted.
Here, we talk to the “natural flirt, turned professional seductress” about how the sex industry has changed in the current climate.
Anita Lyons: Hi Alina, we can imagine this is a time of difficult transition for you being an entrepreneur. How has your business been affected due to Coronavirus?
Alina Ambrosia: As I am lucky enough to already have three main clients in Sydney, I have not been compromised thus far. I’ve still been booked solid. I am aware that this isn’t the same experience for all the girls in our industry and to them, I send much love.
The men who I see are extremely cognisant of the virus, but I have adapted my ‘sessions’ with them to ensure that we are as safe as we can be. I’ve been administering hand sanitiser like its a life force to these gents.
This is the thing, us girls in the high-end spectrum, are already neurotic about hygiene and safety so it hasn’t been a major deviation from our normal ethos. We are fastidious about the safety of all in participation.
We always use wipes, sanitiser and a spray called ‘Viraclean’ in all situations anyway. All courtesans and escorts are probably best equipped to deal with this situation.
“I’ve been administering hand sanitiser like its a life force to these gents.”
AL: Last time we spoke, you told me about going on tour. Do you still have colleagues overseas?
I am in contact with friends who are touring overseas, specifically in Singapore, at the moment and according to them, Singaporeans don’t care about staying home, so their business is booming.
But it’s not like that in Australia. I am one of the lucky ones because apparently bookings have dropped by over 70% for the rest of the community.
I get that people are scared, and perplexed about this COVID-19 outbreak and I hope the industry bounces back quickly.
AL: Now that there is a nation-wide travel ban, this is not possible, however, would you and your fellow colleagues have gone to Singapore where there seems to be work if you could?
This debate is extremely relevant to me.
The thought before was: “Should I throw caution to the wind, and go to Singapore next week anyway?”
The thought of, will the money outweigh the 14 days of quarantine here? It was an interesting discussion… but now the decision has been made for us.
The girls I know who are over there are booked solid — they don’t want to come home until the home restrictions are lifted. The extra cash they can make there will help them to navigate this potentially down-weighted financial situation.
It’s OK for me here though, because I have plenty of fun to have with my number one and number two clients anyway!
“I am one of the lucky ones because apparently bookings have dropped by over 70% for the rest of the community.”
AL: What other measures are you taking besides extreme hygiene?
AA: I’ve cancelled my tour to Singapore next week, and rebooked something more locally even though the demand seems to be there regardless.
AL: If you were to come down with the virus, how would this affect your job work? Would you have to disclose even after recovery?
AA: I have already had it. I procured it on my way home from London four weeks ago. I was on a plane, first-class, but yet that still didn’t matter. I’m sure I contracted it at Heathrow airport.
I spent four days on my couch and in bed, followed doctor’s orders, and self-isolated for 14 days.
I disclosed my diagnosis on my social media and told my three Sydney clients one-on-one. It was no biggie really. I just stayed in isolation until I had a clean bill of health within the two weeks after getting home.

AL: Obviously it’s not just the sex industry that will suffer, but sexual relationships between partners. What advice do you have for people wanting to try phone sex for the first time?
AA: FaceTime is probably the greatest invention of all time because we are not beholden to physical one-on-one interactions anymore. This can play out online or over FaceTime and can be as extremely satisfying as meeting someone in person.
Calling your lover with a set of cute lingerie on and a few cheeky prepared lines about how hot they are and how much you want them will be amazing for all involved.
As a side note: Cam girls will make a fortune during this time too…. hmm might have to look into this myself too! [Laughs]
AL: Have you or any of your colleagues in the industry experienced a client who has a corona kink? There’s already coronavirus-themed porn!
AA: Personally no. It has however been a huge topic of discussion in bookings before we get down to it though.
Although, one client asked me to wear a gas mask…I said no! [Laughs]
My family work in medicine so I have a lot of frontline information and their rhetoric has been that we need to calm down.
“Calling your lover with a set of cute lingerie on and a few cheeky prepared lines about how hot they are and how much you want them will be amazing for all involved.”
AL: What advice do you have for couples practising safe sex during this unprecedented time?
AA: It could be time to use a bit of role-playing in the bedroom to spice things up. Incorporating the use of masks into a doctor and nurse sexy session, you could take things to a whole other level. Of course, please don’t waste actual surgical masks that need to be used by medical professionals and those that are unwell.
Variation of positions could also work, so you aren’t necessarily breathing all over your partner i.e. the lady on her hands and knees with him behind you.
Phone sex is probably going to make a huge comeback too!
AL: What advice do you have for those who still wish to engage in sexual activity within the sex industry?
AA: Hand sanitiser is your best friend. Use Viraclean spray on the body of your client (if they do not mind) and 100% on sex toys or anything that is communally shared.
Have extra showers and of course, extreme hand washing.
If you are engaging in a three-way, I avoid kissing the other girl — but God that sucks!
AL: What is your favourite porn to watch while self-isolating?
AA: I’m not really into porn during self-isolation. I prefer watching documentaries on true crime or retired rock or porn stars. Sorry to disappoint! [Laughs] I’m just your average Netflix watcher.
If you want to know my top picks – I would suggest getting on “cam” sites. All the hottest gals will be staying home and indulging you.
AL: Do you have any suggestion for porn sites that people can visit during isolation?
AA: A lot of my industry will be “camming” for the next month. There’s going to be major action on the cam sites like Porn Soda and I am excited to try this for the first time.
The current health crisis is evolving rapidly. If you suspect you or a family member has coronavirus you should call (not visit) your GP or ring the national Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on 1800 020 080.