
Kim Kardashian West Photoshopped Her Daughter Into the Family Christmas Card

Remember the days when your mum would drag you and your siblings outside and make you sit still for what felt like hours as she clicked away on her camera trying to snap the perfect picture to use as a Christmas card?  

If you’re part of the Kardashian-West family, turns out you get to skip this process altogether. When the Kardashian-West Christmas card image was posted on Instagram, fans had their doubts, speculating that one of the kids was photoshopped into the picture, Cosmopolitan reports. As it goes, they weren’t far off.

Appearing on the Ellen DeGeneres show, Kim Kardashian West talked about the picture admitting that the speculations were true. “It was a time thing and it was hard to wrangle everyone together so I said I’ll just do my own family…It was so much anxiety with the four kids, North was having a day and I said fine we’ll do it without you but then she said she just wanted to shoot with me.” Kim told the host. “So I said fine we’ll just Photoshop her in.”

Despite the photoshop, the picture still looks pretty normal — and only a keen eye would be able to notice the difference upon first glance. Leave it to the Kardashian-Wests to find a way around even the most mundane annoyances, like gathering all the kids for a photo. We do have to give props to Kim however for owning it, and admitting that what you see isn’t always an accurate representation behind the lens. Peep the famous Christmas card photo below.
