As Lady Gaga once said, “there could be a hundred people in a room…”. Okay, maybe she said it more than once. Maybe she said it a million times. It’s not important. The point is, Seven has a new reality show where the premise is “there could be a hundred people on an island, all competing for a share of a million dollar prize”, and we love that! Now, it’s time to put names to the many, many faces of the Million Dollar Island 2023 cast.
Hosted by Ant Middleton, Million Dollar Island is giving Survivor on steroids. There are more contestants, a bigger prize, and plenty of twists and turns along the way.
Each contestant lands on the remote desert island with a bracelet worth $10,000 within the game. The aim of the game? To stack your wrist with bracelets like a paparazzi It Girl from the 2000s. Contestants will compete in challenges, form alliances, lie, scheme and steal bracelets from one another in the hopes of claiming their share of the million dollar prize.
Related: Breaking Down the Rules of ‘Million Dollar Island’
Related: Here’s Everyone Who’s Said Goodbye to the ‘Million Dollar Island’ So Far
Meet the Million Dollar Island 2023 Cast
Adrian Mowat

Alexandra Gangi

Alfa Alkaram

Related: Alfa Wants to Win ‘Million Dollar Island’ for His Family
Alice Litzow

Related: Meet Alice: Model, Go-Kart Champion, and ‘Million Dollar Island’ Extraordinaire
Alistair Lane

Amanda Mackenzie

Annaliese Gann

Annalise Wood

Annie Gates

Breanna Jackson

Brendan Findlay

Brett Krause

Related: Environmentalist Brett Is Ready to Take the Win on ‘Million Dollar Island’
Brock Briffa

Cara Gill

Chelsea Campbell

Related: Will Chelsea’s Football Skills Help Her Score a ‘Million Dollar Island’ Win?
Chloe Waldron

Christine Halyday

Corey Ryan

Related: P.E. Teacher Corey Might Slay the Beep Test, But Will He Win ‘Million Dollar Island’?
Daniel Briggs

Daniel Cottrell-Dormer

David Groth

Dean Clare

Related: Dean Is Keen to Make Mates and Be Wholesome on Seven’s ‘Million Dollar Island’
Dok Mamer

Related: ‘Million Dollar Island’: Influencer Dok Wants to Use His Platform for Good
Donald Walsh

Dylan Tabb

Elly Heathcote

Fiona Savio

Frank Gomes

Gabby Pizzato

Gary Abrahams

Geoffrey Cupitt

Georgie Bellas

Related: Meet Georgie, the ‘Million Dollar Island’ Contender Who Wants to make Her Kids Proud
Georgina Plush

Hamish Robertson

Hannah Carter

Harry Quayle

Isabella Gramoski

Jack Carmine

Related: ‘Million Dollar Island’: Jack Is a Painter With His Eyes on the Prize
Jake Grigg

James Ambrosini

James Voltscos

Jason Raja

Related: ‘Million Dollar Island’: TikTok Twin Jason Is in It to Win It
Jayden Raja

Related: Jayden Is Taking TikTok By Storm, But Will He Conquer ‘Million Dollar Island’?
Jessica La Fontaine

John Howe

Jonathan Jeffrey

Related: Jonathan Is a Dancer Ready to Twirl to the Top of ‘Million Dollar Island’
Jonti Crisp

Jordan Butler

Related: Will Jordan’s Youthful Energy Make Him Victorious on Seven’s ‘Million Dollar Island’?
Joy Joy Craufurd

Karl Di Falco

Karla Piound

Related: Karla Is Ready to Bring Her Expedition Skills to ‘Million Dollar Island’
Karleen Minney

Kelly Eves

Kenneth Prahara

Kia Humberstone

Kim Moscicki

Krupi Kapadia

Related: ‘Million Dollar Island’: Fashion Designer Krupi Is Ready for a New Challenge
Kyle Linahan

Related: Kyle Is Ready to Kill Them With Kindness on ‘Million Dollar Island’
Kylie Ferriday

Lisa Blair

Louise Dwyer

Related: Louise Is a NSW Flood Survivor Who’s Set to Slay the ‘Million Dollar Island’ Game
Matt Apps

Maxine Champion

Melissa Orrman

Mick Bender

Mike Chapman

Mitchell Wildman

Moya Jones

Nate Godfrey

Nuri Cummins

Olivia Goder

Related: Will Olivia Triple Jump Her Way Into Winning ‘Million Dollar Island’s’ Grand Prize?
Parker Minns

Payton Ellicot

Related: Payton: The ‘Million Dollar Island’ Contestant With an 11/10 Sense of Style
Pemba Tshulembo

Peter Palmer

Pip Walker

Rachel Leembruggen

Rheanna Carroll

Ryan Weepers

Rylie Baye

Sabrina Curnow

Sarah Green

Scott McCristal

Shannon Slade

Sharnie Cocks

Related: Sharnie Is a Personal Trainer Who’s Ready to Win ‘Million Dollar Island’
Sharon Hale

Shaun Hueston

Sherwin Djamil

Simon Khalil

Susan Watchorn

Susannah Bilous

Taize Taylor

Related: Meet Taize, the Pilot Taking ‘Million Dollar Island’ to the Next Level
Terri House

Tess McKenna

Related: Tess Is a Mum of Six Who’s Ready to Take on ‘Million Dollar Island’
Tim Bates

Titus O’Donnell

Tony Handford

Vicki Buttle

Yasmine Lintvelt

Related: Yasmine Is a Chiropractor Ready to Crack the Top on ‘Million Dollar Island’
Million Dollar Island airs at 7.30pm on Mondays and Tuesdays, only on 7 and 7 Plus. Miss an episode? Catch up on 7 Plus.
Want more Million Dollar Island? Read all our content here, and check out the stories below:
- A Million Dollar Question: When Does ‘Million Dollar Island’ Start?
- A Million Details About Channel 7’s ‘Million Dollar Island’
- The Big Things That Everyone Wants to Know About ‘Million Dollar Island’
- Who the Heck’s Ant Middleton? A ‘Million Dollar’ Deep Dive
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