
Big Brother is Evicting a Housemate Every Single Episode

Big Brother

Update: June 8

You can see all the housemates who have been evicted HERE.

Update: June 1

Big Brother is changing the rules.

The countdown is on to Big Brother Australia 2020 and as we get to know our new housemates, Channel 7 is sharing some more info about the show.

While the biggest change to the format was, of course, a pre-recorded show (goodbye endless live footage of housemates lounging around a pool), the network has now revealed that there will be an eviction every single episode — including on the first night.

This means that a housemate will walk into the Big Brother house and then practically turn around and be voted out the very same day.

As we’ve learned previously, and true to years gone by, the cast will nominate each other for eviction. Unlike previous years, will vote each other out — Survivor style.

Big Brother promises to its best yet with physical, endurance and skill-based challenges every day where housemates will form alliances, strategise and ultimately become the last one standing.

As for the winner? Fans will still get to vote for their favourite housemates once they have been narrowed down.

Big Brother Australia will unlock it’s doors somewhere between during the week of the 7th June and we cannot wait to see what’s inside.

WATCH: One person will be evicted every single episode.

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