
Big Brother’s Casey Says the Show Lacks a Lot of “Heart and Soul”

Big Brother

Casey Mazzucchelli has become the 14th housemate evicted from the Big Brother house after a tied elimination between her and Kieran Davidson.

Sophie Budack, who won the right to nominate after the nomination challenge, ultimately had the deciding vote, ousting the 25-year-old because she couldn’t “trust” her.

While it was disappointing to leave, Mazzucchelli knew her time in the house was up.

“It’s really weird, I woke up in the morning and I actually said to Mat [Garrick]: ‘Today’s my day. I’m actually leaving’,” she said during a post-eviction interview with TheLatch—.

“When it came time to scramble I didn’t really scramble because I thought, this is going to go to a tie and it’s going to a vote.”

Unfortunately, the account’s administrator was bang on the money, however, there are no hard feelings because at the end of the day, “it was just a game”.

When she entered the house, Mazzucchelli quickly made friends inside the house, opting to hang with the “alphas” — Daniel Gorringe, Garrick and Xavier Molyneaux.

“I’m such tomboy. I told the producers throughout the entire interview process that I was way better friends with boys. I guess I have pretty masculine energy. I’m not ashamed of it at all. I’ve always been this way,” she said.

Becoming fast friends with Molyneaux, their close relationship rivalled that of Chad Hurst and Budack, however, because they were “just mates”, Mazzucchelli believed that the producers opted not to show it, however, not showing the “human connection”  was disappointing.

“I do think the show lacks a lot of heart and soul because there does need to be those bits,” she said.

“That’s why I think the audience is getting upset because there is no human connection. Like, how do they connect with these people when they don’t even f—ing know them?”

As for Gorringe’s edit, Mazzucchelli is shocked by how he’s being portrayed.

“It’s so weird to me because honestly, I used to paint Dan’s toenails,” Mazzucchelli said before adding, “I just didn’t see him that way. Watching it back, I’m quite disappointed with his edit because he is such a sensitive guy with so many layers and it’s kind of annoying to me that he would be downplayed to this misogynistic alpha because there’s so much more to Daniel.”

Here, she talks to TheLatch— about her time in the house, that hilarious constipation saga (which actually resulted in a hospital visit) and why she thinks Sarah McDougall is the most underrated player.

Big Brother
Channel 7.

Anita Anabel: Hi Casey, I’m so sorry you made it so close, yet so far! Sophie had the deciding vote, did you know it was you at that stage?

Casey Mazzucchelli: It’s really weird, I woke up in the morning and I actually said to Mat, “today’s my day. I’m actually leaving”.

When it came time to scramble I didn’t really scramble because I thought, this is going to go to a tie and it’s going to a vote. He was like, “no, don’t give up!” And I said, “I’m not giving up. I can just see how this is going to play out.”

I went around the house and did my goodbyes and told Chad there were no hard feelings, it was just a game, so I definitely knew it was my day.

AA: So you even guessed there was going to be a split vote?

CM: Yeh, I knew it was going to come down to that. When you’re in the game, you get to know it so well and you can see who is voting what. In the early days, things are subject to change, but when it comes down to the end of it, everyone knows who they wanted to work with and you see the alliances. So I wasn’t surprised.

AA: You made an alliance with the so-called “Alphas” early on. Why did you gravitate towards them?

CM: I’m such tomboy. I told the producers throughout the entire interview process that I was way better friends with boys. I guess I have pretty masculine energy. I’m not ashamed of it at all. I’ve always been this way.

I never was friends with the boys because they were “big boys” and they were going to win challenges, my friendships were genuine friendships and I chat to them every single day still.

Full-blown friendships I’ll hold forever.

AA: Marissa [Rancan] told me after her eviction that after you confronted Kieran when they told you not to, they didn’t speak to you for an entire day. I can imagine that was pretty difficult in the close confines of the house.

CM: Oh God. It was the worst! I’m someone who hates conflict, which is probably why I went up to Kieran in the first place. I just want to squash conflict when I see it.

It was funny because these boys hate talking about their feelings and I wanted to talk about it so much and they were like: “What’s done is done. There’s nothing you can do now.”

It was really hard but we got there in the end. Everyone makes mistakes!

AA: I’ve mentioned this to a few of the other housemates, but I’ve found it quite difficult to watch the so-called “boys club”. You were really good friends with them, so what’s your take on this?

CM: I just really didn’t see it that way if I’m honest. I think, you get into a house when it’s a competition and you chuck a whole bunch of testosterone in an area and obviously everybody’s going to arc up.

Again, I’m friends with so many guys in the real world and I’m so used to is. I don’t see it that way.

Maybe I’m not the best person to ask, because I just look at it as, well, if you put a whole bunch of males together, that’s what’s going to happen.


AA: I mean, the editing with Daniel seems to be all about this masculine energy, being the alpha and everyone following him.

CM: It’s so weird to me because honestly, I used to paint Dan’s toenails. Some nights he would actually come to me for a cuddle because he was sad about his girlfriend.

I just didn’t see him that way. Watching it back, I’m quite disappointed with his edit because he is such a sensitive guy with so many layers and it’s kind of annoying to me that he would be downplayed to this misogynistic alpha because there’s so much more to Daniel. He’s so much more than just a boy.

AA: I’m so glad I asked you about this. It’s such a shame that the show is lacking such a human connection this year.

CM: Oh absolutely. Even my friendship with Xavier was slapped together in one episode and tied up with a bow on it.

Apart from Sophie and Chad, me and Xav were probably the closest two in the house but you just don’t see that and the audience didn’t see that because we weren’t a love story. We were just mates and it’s not that interesting to the audience to just watch two mates getting along.

I do think the show lacks a lot of heart and soul because there does need to be those bits. That’s why I think the audience is getting upset because there is no human connection. Like, how do they connect with these people when they don’t even f—ing know them.

AA: Just speaking to you all, I’m hearing these amazing human stories that we’re uncovering during post-eviction conversations.

CM: There were a lot of special moments in that house that weren’t shown. There was this whole thing with Kieran where he made up that lie to Garth [Saville] about Danni [Unniek] being a snake and we all rallied against her and was like, well Danni has got to go.

And every single person in that house, when that all came out, was so upset with Kieran for lying and I think that just shows such intense morals and we were all like, “this isn’t right. Don’t make up blatant lies”.

AA: You had one of the most embarrassing moments in the house when you were constipated. I was mortified for you. I cannot believe they showed that! What was it like watching back?

CM: I knew they were going to show that because I ended up in the hospital.

They said to me, “you get to decide how to tell Australia you were constipated” and I remember saying something so funny and they didn’t use it. I said, “you know when you go to drop the kids off at the pool and they just won’t get out of the f—ing car?”

I thought it was so much better and they didn’t show it.

AA: I’m so glad I got to hear it, that is so funny! What was the reason for it? Was it because you were anxious?

CM: I think it was to do with what I eat because usually I’m eating so healthy and because we were on rations, we weren’t able to get enough food.

I don’t eat gluten and there was so much bread, and my body was literally shutting down because of that.

Then, they kept giving us rewards like pasta night and even the KFC night, I was like, “can I just get a salad”?

AA: Now that you’re out, who is playing the most strategic game?

CM: Watching back, maybe Sarah. She seems really calculated. When I was in the house, I actively didn’t pick it up, but I fell for it. She did well, I believed her.

AA: And my last question, who do you think will win?

CM: I hope that Daniel or Mat win. I’ve gotta back my friends until the end.

Big Brother continues Sunday at 7.00 pm and Monday and Tuesday at 7.30 pm, only on Channel 7.

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