
Are You Working Remotely? You’re Invited to Work and Live In Barbados for a Year


For many businesses, the past few months spent working from home has made a strong case for more flexible working arrangements moving forward.

With fewer distractions and shorter commute times, many employees who can comfortably conduct their work remotely and online have proved themselves to be just as productive, if not more so than they would be in an office.

And if this is the case for you and you do foresee yourself working from home more often, then you should absolutely set up a home office space that’s ergonomically thought out to care for your posture and productivity. But you could also move to Barbados to a year and work from there ā ā€” both strong choices.

The Barbadian government is working through an incentive for digital nomads to set themselves up for a year of sunshine and beaches with a 12-month “Barbados Welcome Stamp” that essentially allows international visitors to live and legally work remotely from the island country for a whole year.

While not yet approved, the welcome stamp was theorised to attract longer-term visitors to spend money on the Caribbean island and help inject the hospitality, tourism and lifestyle economies after a troubling period.

Barbados has reported 98 cases and seven deaths related to COVID-19. In order to visit, the government is requiring travellers wear a mask at the airport and present a negative test result upon arrival, a press release from Visit Barbados indicates. Varying rules apply between high-risk and low-risk countries, however, the island country is said to reopen borders for international travellers on July 12.

At home though, it’s a different story. There is stillĀ currently a ban on all overseas travelĀ with few exceptions, and thereā€™s no telling exactly when the borders will open again.

Weā€™ll be keeping a keen eye on any border progressions, and weā€™ll report back when definitive new travel guidelines are laid down. If you have itchy feet, might we suggest a few domestic trips? Get started on your planning with theseĀ 5 stunning road trips around AustraliaĀ and theĀ 10 cosiest winter cabins to escape to this winter.

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