
The Bachelorette’s Adam Todd Is Looking for a Glass-Half-Full Kind of Girl

The Bachelorette

Not only does The Bachelorette’s Adam Todd have rock hard abs but he also studies rocks for a living.

The 24-year-old Geologist loves AFL, surfing and is an all-round down-to-earth bloke.

Hailing from Western Australia, Todd brought an abundance of science books with him into the mansion — so he no doubt got the other guys using their brains.

According to his Network Ten bio, Todd has “pushed away love in the past”, although is ready to feel “all the warm fuzzy feelings”.

When Todd looks at a woman, the first thing he notices is their attitude towards life, so he’s looking for a “glass-half-full” kind of girl to be his “rock” (pun intended) through life’s ups and downs.

Todd believes that his ex would say he was truthful, caring and thoughtful — especially after he drove seven hours through the outback in the dark after working 10 hours to be with his girlfriend on Valentine’s day.


If you’re keen to have the same interests as the science guy, you must love travel, exploring, surfing, exercising and getting outdoors. Oh, a general interest in the sciences. Has anyone introduced him to Chelsie McLeod yet?

Todd can’t stand arrogance or cockiness and if any guy exhibits this in the house, he will certainly clash with them

Could this geologist have the tools to win over Elly or Becky? Only time will tell.

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