
Editor’s Letter: How We’re Addressing Climate Change

We talk about it all the time on The Latch — addressing climate change is the overriding concern of our generation. Climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity today. As temperatures rise, so too do the impacts on plant life and natural species, food security, human health, the list goes on.

Since we launched this site in February 2020, we’ve been committed to providing useful information, education, and resources that will help us better understand the effects of climate change and the ways we can reduce our impact and encourage change on a higher level. And while we know that’s what’s most impactful —  big corporations taking real action on emissions — we also know that many hands make light work, and we all want to step in and do what we can to play our part.

Opting to live a more sustainable life has become the core foundation of our brand. We’ve built an audience of like-minded readers (hey, that’s you!), who all live by the same beliefs and attitudes, driven to work together to help take care of our planet. 

Australia is the fifth biggest polluter in the world. Let that sentence sink in. Our government needs to help drive change and impact at scale, but we can all start the journey together. We’re here to provide tangible ways you can start tackling climate change in your everyday life, and one way is to live more sustainably.

In this vertical, that we launch today in partnership with Suncorp Bank, we will work together, as a community of passionate change-makers, to help move the needle and address climate change. We’ll create carefully curated content to guide you and your families. We’ll unpack how to effectively reduce, reuse, recycle, we’ll talk about carbon offsetting and what it actually is, we’ll provide guides on how to make your home more sustainable, speak to emerging trends (like tiny homes and regenerative travel!) and how to stand up for climate action.

And shortly, you’ll see us launch BuyGood — a marketplace featuring only sustainable products that you can use in your home. We don’t want to encourage unnecessary purchasing, however, if you need a new household cleaner (for example), why not make sure the one you’re buying has the least impact on our environment as possible. We’ve partnered with a company out of Amsterdam called Dayrize. It has a team of 30 scientists that evaluate products and give them a rating out of five that highlights just how sustainable they really are. Our aim is to help reduce greenwashing and encourage you to make smarter choices when you need to shop.

We hope you learn something new, and that you’re inspired to take action and act as an advocate for more sustainable choices in your community.

If there’s anything more specifically you’d like to learn about, please DM us at @thelatch.vmd-multisite.dev-serv.net.  

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