People Are Brilliantly Recreating Famous Artworks At Home 

Now that most of us are stuck inside, working from home and suffering from seriously restricted social lives, we’ve had to come up with creative ways to entertain ourselves.

People have been coming up with dance routines with their whole family, cutting and dyeing their own hair, binge-playing Animal Crossing, and becoming TikTok famous. 

To inject a little culture into our lives, Getty Museum in LA challenged people to recreate famous artworks using things already in their homes. And boy oh boy did people deliver. 

Twitter users got extremely creative, producing some works of art that are maybe even more of a masterpiece than the originals.

Like this paddling pool recreation of David Hackney’s “Portrait of an artist (Pool with two figures)”. 

How good is this “The Ermine Portrait” revamp, using burned homemade bread loaves as hair buns?!

Some couples went all out. Honestly, these guys deserve some kind of art prize. That staging! The props! Iconic.

This “Birth Of Venus”, using the whole family, really emanates a high level of chaotic energy.

Meanwhile, this cute kitty arranged himself into a Picasso artwork without even realising.

One couple made the most of their fancy chandelier, while this pup knew his angles.

One person got a little creative while cooking dinner, with this uncanny replica of “The Scream”.

It just goes to show that self-isolation is really bringing out our creative sides.

We might need a whole new gallery once this is all over for our quarantine masterpieces.

You can scroll through more incredible artwork creations in the replies to the original Getty Museum tweet.


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