It’s Pride Month Baby, and This How You Can Celebrate

As the frigidness of winter slaps us all, it’s time to find your gay crush and give them a snuggle. Because it’s Pride Month baby! It’s that amazing time of the year where the LGBTQIA+ community celebrates who they are.

But besides warming yourself in the arms of your gayest of crushes, how should you celebrate Pride Month? After all, you can only snuggle in someone’s arms for so long before the circulation in your arms stops and you start craving your own bed. So, with that important info in mind, here are some rad things you can do before June comes to an end:

You Can Hit Up One of These 10/10 Events

Now that we can all leave the house with a smaller chance of getting the spicy cough, why not go to a pride event? For instance, the Sunshine Coast Mardi Gras is having its second annual party on June 18. This event will feature drag queens Miss Lady Saint Diva, Miss Synthetique, and Shanny T-Bone. The event’s site also states, “We invite you to help celebrate diversity of race, sexualities and gender identities, in a family friendly LGBTQI+ event.”

Or, if you’re in the Northern Territory, why not go to one of Top End Pride’s events? Because these folks are hosting a Katherine Pride Festival and a Darwin Pride Festival this month. Katherine is sporting fun events like a Pride Picnic, whilst Darwin is doing some cheeky barefoot bowling. Moreover, the crocodile mascot for these events is incredibly adorable. 

Have Some Pride Drinks With Your Mates

If you don’t live on the Sunshine Coast or in the NT, you might be a bit bummed if there are no local pride events where you live. But that shouldn’t stop you from inviting some of your mates over and having your own LGBTQIA+ shindig. Seriously, celebrating how rad this community is shouldn’t be limited to those who can organise sponsorships. So go make a rainbow cake, get some bisexual lighting going, and enjoy a mild one or a wild one with all of your friends. 

Donate Some Money to a Mint LGBTQIA+ Cause

Sure, buying some toothpaste that’s been plastered with the LGBTQIA+ logo might be cool and all, but it’s not the most effective form of activism one can do. Sometimes when corporations make rainbow products, only a small percentage of the money that you spend on it goes to supporting this disadvantaged community. Moreover, if you’re straight, donating to this cause is an A+ way of being an excellent ally

This is why, if you have the means, you should donate some cash to a rad LGBTQIA+ organisation this Pride Month. For example, you could donate to Pride Foundation Australia. According to their website, “Pride Foundation Australia has a dedicated focus on advancing equity for the most disadvantaged LGBTQIA+ Australians, including advocating for systemic change and LGBTQIA creative arts.” They also state, “Specific LGBTQIA+ Priority Areas to date have been: healthy ageing, homelessness and disability; new focus area on asylum seekers and refugees living in Australia has been established and grants have been made.”

Another good organisation is Twenty10. On its Who We Are page, this resource declares, “We are a Sydney based service working across New South Wales, providing a broad range of specialised services for young people aged 12-25 including housing, mental health, counselling and social support.” So if you can, maybe throw them a few dollarydoos.

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