
Holiday Travel Within NSW Is Permitted Again from June 1


Congrats are in order to those who stayed home in an effort to flatten the curve. Not only have you learned new sourdough bread-making skills, but your hard work has just about paid off with the news we’ll soon be able to take holidays again.

Whether you’re itching to visit your favourite coastal beach, take a trip to the Thredbo or Perisher snowfields, or stay in an off-grid tiny home, you will now be able to book a holiday within NSW from June 1.

While there are currently no restrictions around travel within the state for “excusable” reasons like work, exercise, education or compassionate visits, travel, for the sake of recreational holidays, has been forbidden since March.

Now, according to the ABC, the NSW Government has confirmed regional travel within the state will be permitted “for any reason” from June 1.

It’s welcome news for those smaller towns that rely on local tourism. The bushfire crisis and lockdown measures have impacted them hard, and no doubt they’ll be happy to welcome guests in time for the Queen’s Birthday long weekend.

While it’s certainly an exciting development, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian encourages those hoping to travel to prioritise safety first.

“Please take extra care in planning ahead, booking online, and making sure you keep away from large crowds, and protect your friends and your family as you are holidaying,” she said Wednesday, May 20.

“We want people to enjoy themselves, to feel free, but nothing we do is the same during a pandemic. You need to book ahead, think about opportunities to enjoy the environment in a different way, but please make sure you’re safe.”

It’s predicated many Sydneysiders will be hoping to go skiing this year, but it’s likely the season could look a little different. The fields are already seeing snow and a ski season is expected to go ahead, only perhaps with increased restrictions around the number of people allowed to gather outdoors.

Deputy Premier John Barilaro says he was working with ski resorts and tourism authorities in the Snowy Mountains to shape a plan here.

Finally, the time has come to plan and start booking your first post-iso escape. Plan now with our round-up of five stunning Australian road trips, read up on theĀ tips to avoid crowds on your first post-iso escape, or seeĀ virtual travel experiences around Australia.

The current health crisis is evolving rapidly. If you suspect you or a family member has coronavirus you should call (not visit) your GP or ring the national Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on 1800 020 080.

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