5 Natural Energy Boosters That Don’t Involve Caffeine


Your energy levels are greatly impacted by your lifestyle choices. And while there’s nothing wrong with downing a coffee when you’re feeling a little fatigued, there are other things you can do to create more sustained energy throughout the day.

None of these changes includes supplements or energy-boosting drinks but rather a more holistic approach to living, in order to maximise your energy levels naturally.

— Get your stress levels under control

Stress is a massive drain on your energy, so feeling constantly under the pump and stressed is probably using up what little you have in your tank. While many causes of stress are unavoidable — especially when related to work — there are ways you can better manage your stress levels. You just have to find what works for you.

Hitting the mat for a yoga sesh might be your ultimate de-stress activity or simply getting out for a walk while listening to a podcast could be enough. For others, having a bath, reading a book or sitting down to meditate might is their prefered de-stress activity.

Whatever it is, you’ll know once you’ve found it as you’ll feel lighter and more energised after taking the time for yourself.

— Exercise can give you a boost

You know when you’re feeling super unmotivated and exercising is the last thing you want to do but you still go for a run, or a walk or head to a class and you finish feeling full of energy and endorphins? Yep, it might sound counterintuitive but moving your body is a great way to give yourself a boost of energy.

If you’re feeling tired, flat and depleted, consider moving your body a little and see how you feel. Never push through if you’re so fatigued that it could end in injury.

— Dehydration = low energy

According to Healthline, your body is made up of roughly 55 to 75% water, depending on your age. You lose water every day in the form of urine and sweat, so in order to compensate for this loss, you have to chug quite a bit of H2O.

Dehydration can actually impact your brain function as well as your mood and energy levels. If you’re feeling drained and tired, you might not be drinking enough water every day, so make sure to prioritise this as it’ll have a massive effect on your energy.

— Get out and socialise

While socialising in person is tough in COVID-19 times, socially distanced socialising is allowed in most states and territories around Australia. After months of isolation, seeing your family and friends is a great way to top up your energy levels.

According to Healthline, social isolation has been connected to low mood and tiredness, especially as you get older. Those with stronger social networks usually have better physical and mental health as they age, says Healthline.

Getting out of the house and mingling with others is a great energy boost and can help lift low spirits, so make a point of scheduling in time to see your people when your battery is feeling a little low.

— Eat for energy

Instead of opting for a coffee, there are a number of healthy foods you can eat in order to get a boost of sustained energy. Bananas, for example, are a great source of carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin B6 — all of which can boost energy levels in the body, says Healthline.

One study from 2012 found that eating a banana before a 75km cycling trial was as energy efficient as a carbohydrate drink that is used to improve endurance.

Hummus is another energy-boosting food, as the ingredients of chickpeas, sesame seed paste, oil and lemon offer complex carbs and fibre that your body can use for steady energy. Yum!

If all else fails, you can always rely on a coffee to give you a quick hit of energy. But, consider making a lifestyle change if you’re constantly feeling drained and tired.

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