Marie Kondo Is Returning to Netflix With a New Show So You Can Stop Living in Chaos

marie kondo

Here’s some news that will be music to the ears of anyone who loves a good old declutter.

Global organisation icon and best-selling author Marie Kondo is taking her signature approach to tidying up out of the home and into the workplace with her latest Netflix series, Sparking Joy.

Kondo will show viewers how the fundamentals of her method can affect our businesses, relationships and communities. The impacts of tidying are surprising, emotional and transformative in the lives of the people she meets. Plus, throughout the process, we also get to step into Marie’s own home, meet her family, and get a glimpse into how she sparks joy in her daily life.

Kondo is the spring cleaning superstar who has written nine books in Japanese on tidying and organisation with her first book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up being translated into 44 languages. Collectively, Kondo’s books have sold than 13 million copies worldwide.

Her first Netflix series, 2019’s Tidying Up with Marie Kondo was a huge success and inspired millions of people worldwide to approach their possessions differently and also won the master organiser an Emmy award.

The KonMari Method, which Kondo has brought to the masses, essentially involves sorting out items according to practicality (clothing, books, kitchen, bathroom, sentimental, paper and so on) and then parsing through the individual items one by one and only keep what “sparks joy”. Anything that doesn’t send a rush of endorphins coursing through your bloodstream should be verbally thanked and then re-gifted or sent to the thrift store.

Of course, decluttering is a bit of a waste of time if you’re just going to go out and buy a heap of new stuff, so Kondo also encourages taking a thoughtful approach to purchases too.

It will be interesting to see how Kondo applies the philosophies of her method to the small businesses she encounters and the impact it has on their productivity.

With many of us in lockdown around the country (yet again) there will hopefully be some great takeaways that we can apply to our homes also.

Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo starts streaming on August 31, 2021, only on Netflix.

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