
Magda Szubanski Confirms What We Suspected About the Uber Eats Ad with Kim Kardashian

Uber Eats

When Uber Eats surprised Australia with the most iconic ad of all time — a collaboration between Kath & Kim ‘netball superstar’ Sharon Strzelecki (Magda Szubanski) and Kim Kardashian West — it received more than rave reviews.

“So @KimKardashian and @MagdaSzubanski Uber eats ad is actually art; CHANGE MY MIND… Actually don’t you can’t it’s just iconic [sic],” one Twitter user wrote.

But with the good, came the bad — and eagle-eyed fans began to speculate that the two superstars didn’t actually film the commercial together.


In a new interview with Nova 969’s Fitzy and Wippa, Szubanski confirmed what we are all thinking.

“Sharon had a very busy schedule,” she revealed of her well-known Kath & Kim character.

“She had to film her stuff a couple of days later. They were in the same room, just not at the same time.”

But don’t be disappointed, the chemistry between the pair was 100% real and the 58-year-old admitted that she was able to have a “long chat” with the superstar.

“It was so weird because I said, ‘Did you know what netball was?’ She said, ‘No, we have this thing called the Met Ball?’”

“She was like, ‘What is this?’ But she was totally up for it, didn’t balk at anything. With each new thing that was suggested to her, I was like, ‘Seriously? She agreed to do that?’”

“She said that afterwards that she and her sisters were watching the rushes (raw footage) and just crying with laughter,” Szubanski added. “They totally loved it.”

According to the actor, “there’s more to come”, which means that we can look forward to more electric chemistry between Kimmy and Sharon.

But before then, we have some questions. Namely — how much did Kim Kardashian West, arguably the most famous person in the world, get paid for this appearance?

Kim Kardashian
Getty Images.

Currently, the beauty mogul/reality star/law student and all-round savvy business chick has a whopping USD $350 million to her name — and that’s not including the cash that rolls in with her KKW Beauty and Skims lines.

Whenever she does an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kim and her sisters are said to be paid a share of USD $30 million per season (which is approx a share in USD $2 million an episode).

And when it comes to Instagram, Kardashian’s 152 million followers is worth a truck-load of money — and then some, with posts ranging from USD $300,000 to $1 million per post.

While we haven’t received official confirmation from Uber Eats about exactly how much Kim’s fee was (The Latch has reached out for comment), we’re going to guestimate that it was at least more than USD $1 million.

If you think about it, it’s a small price to pay considering the reach that this insanely clever advertisement has had and will continue to receive as more ads make their way onto our screens.

Not only is Kim’s face firmly planted on all the collateral, but in a world full of Kardashian’s, people do as the Kardashian’s do.

And that, my friends, is priceless.