
Macaulay Culkin’s Christmas Prank Will Make You Nostalgic for Home Alone

Home Alone

In the US, 1.5 million packages are taken from the front of homes during Christmas time each year.

And according to former NASA engineer Mark Rober, police don’t really seem to do anything about it.

While we’re not sure what happens on a local scale, the issue is so big in the US that people are taking the matter into their own hands – including Rober himself, who last year went viral with a “Glitter Bomb Trap”.

Falling victim to parcel pilfering has made Rober wiser – and this year, he’s called in the big guns.

Thanks to inspiration from his favourite childhood movie, Home Alone, the very smart YouTuber enlisted the help of none other than Kevin McAllister himself. Macaulay Culkin.

Thus the glitter bomb 2.0 was born – and because in 2019, he racked up over 9.5 million subscribers to his channel, it is now sponsored by Bose.

“If the thieves took just two seconds to actually inspect the package, they would see that all the words on the side are just slightly modified quotes from Home Alone,” Rober said in his new clip.

The design is something Kevin McAllister could only dream of – a box that looks like a pair of new headphones is instead equipped with four phones that record video, a spinning cup that shoots out glitter and two cans of a foul-smelling spray.

Called the “Buzz700” (referencing Kevin’s brother, Buzz, in the hit film), also consists of a streamlined system with a custom circuit board and GPS trackers.

So, what does Macaulay have to do with it?

Well, his first appearance in the clip is hilarious.

When Rober makes “the Kevin face”, Culkin opens the door, sees him doing it, rolls his eyes, says “f*ck” and then walks out. Wonder if he’s sick of it yet?

Then he presents the famous battle plans from the film – but that’s it really.

Doesn’t matter though, because you still get all the feels watching him – and it’s Christmas! What is a Christmas prank without a cameo from Culkin?

WATCH: The Full Glitter Bomb Trap 2.0 with Mark Rober and Macauly Culkin.