
Karen’s Diner is Where You Go For Fries, Burgers and Rude Table Service


Time to book an appointment with your hairdresser to get yourself a “I’d like to speak to the manager” haircut, because you’re gonna need it.

Karen’s Diner, an American-style diner where the staff are encouraged to be rude to the clientele, is coming to Sydney’s CBD post-lockdown.

In a bid to poke fun at today’s ‘cancel culture’ and the trending stereotype of ‘Karens’, experiential events and hospitality company, Viral Ventures, are the creative brains behind this 6-month pop-up.

Karen’s will be in World Square, in a transformed retail space, with a classic America-in-the-1950’s theme, but with a bit of added spice; the staff members get to let out their inner ‘Karens’. Honestly, god knows what will happen. This is either fucking genius or an absolute nightmare… maybe both.

Having worked in hospitality myself, being able to let out your true inner feelings towards some brash customers sounds pretty liberating, albeit kinda dangerous. You never know how people are going to react, but you’d hope that knowing their servers are going to be rude to them before they walk-in, will help make for some light tongue-in-cheek fun.

Offering burgers, wings, shakes and cocktails as well as some fab vegan and vego options, the food is set to be pretty delicious, hopefully mending any bruised egos along the way.

“All of our concepts at Viral Ventures are designed to make sure people have fun and potentially try something they have never experienced before, whether it’s an immersive experience in our Wonderland Bar or being served by angry Karen’s in our new Karen’s Diner,” said Viral Ventures Co-Founder Aden Levin.

“Particularly after the last few months, we just want people to have fun and this is our approach to all our venues and pop-ups around Australia.”

TBH, some loaded fries with a side of Karen sounds like just the spice we need to get our butts back in the game post-lockdown.

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