Breaking News: Jenny Craig Has Closed

In the age of body positivity and body neutrality, Jenny Craig has closed for good. According to some internal messaging, the US branch cannot secure the finances that they need to survive. 

However, if you’re a finance bro, this news might not surprise you. Since last month, Jenny Craig has been on the hunt for a buyer. And since two weeks ago, this company has exhausted its money pot.

As it stands, this joint’s corporate employees will finish work on May 5. Jenny Craig told them that they will receive a “final paycheck” that accounts for their “accrued, unused paid time off.”

Additionally, some Jenny Craig staffers will be eligible for severance pay. But it’s highly unlikely that these payments will actually be dispensed.

Now, it’s worth noting that Jenny Craig’s Australian branch potentially won’t be closed by this collapse. They have even declared as much.

A statement from one of their spokespeople is as follows: “While this is unfortunate news for our colleagues in the USA, the Jenny Craig operations here in Australia and New Zealand do act independently. Here in Australia and New Zealand, we currently continue to operate and support our clients.”

The History of Jenny Craig

Jenny Craig was founded in Melbourne during the year 1983. It was made by Sidney Craig and, surprisingly, his wife named Jenny. Since then, it’s become known for providing its customers pre-made meals that are supposed to help with weight loss. 

Nevertheless, in the proceeding years, this company has been subject to some controversy. This is because multiple dietitians have noted their concerns that Jenny’s meals might not be the best for your body.

As Kimberly Gomer, from Body Beautiful Miami, said, “The idea that most of your food is already made for you is exciting, we love convenience. But it’s critical to be aware of what kinds of food you’re eating. Jenny Craig’s diet plans rely on creating a calorie deficit, but ignore the quality of the calories and the role of food in gut health.”

What’s more, in recent years, Jenny Craig has been closed off to the tides of the body neutrality movement. Body neutrality is the idea that the weight of a person isn’t moral or immoral, it just is. It’s the idea that the body is a vessel and not the defining characteristic of who we are. 

“You don’t have to love, or even like, your body,” said The Butterfly Foundation in a statement, “but you can accept and care for it, regardless of how it looks. The focus is instead on functionality and looking beyond physical appearance as the sole indicator of worth.”

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