
Recruiters Spend Only 7 Seconds Scanning Your Resume, So Here’s How to Make Yours Stand Out


The Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals 2.7 million Australians were either let go from their roles, had work hours reduced, or left the labour force in April 2020 ā€” and that was just the beginning of the pandemic’s effect on the Australian workforce.

Australia’s employment rate has recovered since then, with companies big and small having already re-hired or actively recruiting for new roles; still, there is hot competition out there.

“With job applications on the rise in a number of industries, competition for roles is fierce,” Kendra Banks, SEEK‘s managing director, Australia and New Zealand, tells The Latch.

Research shows the average recruiter today is spending only 7.4 seconds scanning your resume, which means it’s more important than ever that your CV stands out in among a pile.

So how does one cut through? As Banks explains, a comprehensive application is key to being seen by potential employers, and it’s worth carving out some time to bolster future job applications.

“Now is the time to make sure your application stands out and showcases your skillset. Always make sure you have a tailored resume and cover letter, catered to the job you are applying for ready to go.

“Highlight your experience and include relevant examples in your cover letter so employers can immediately assess your eligibility. When doing this, it’s always worth replicating it on your SEEK Profile. Employers also refer to your profile when assessing your suitability for a role and can also proactively search for your skills ā€” so the more relevant information you include about yourself, the better your chances of standing out.”

Include a succinct cover letter

It’s often listed as ‘optional’ in a job application, but Banks says a cover letter is crucial to helping an applicant land the role.

“When it comes to job applications, cover letters are crucial. They introduce you to the employer and are a chance to bring out your personality too, as well alongside highlighting the experience outlined in your resume makes you a great match for their position.

“Your cover letter might not be the first thing a recruiter or an employer looks at, but if your application doesnā€™t have one, youā€™re putting yourself at a disadvantage.” Here, Banks reveals her tips (and an example) to help create a winning cover letter:

Keep it brief

The purpose of a cover letter is to give people a taste of who you are, so keep it punchy and professional. Usually, 4-5 paragraphs will be sufficient.

Get to the point

Weā€™ve all been tempted to give potential employers a little more background, a little more context, a little more of us! However, cover letters arenā€™t the time for this. Be upfront and explain why youā€™re the person for the job right away.

Donā€™t regurgitate your resume

A cover letter should expand upon the relevant points, rather than repeat them. After youā€™ve wowed the recruiter with your opening statement, introduce yourself and include things like, how you found out about the role, why youā€™re interested in it and demonstrate your understanding of the companyā€™s culture.

Resume checklist

When crafting or updating your CV, be sure to include as many relevant details in a clear and concise way. While professionally designed layouts can be visually appealing, Banks says it’s more important that your application can be read clearly, and includes all relevant materials. There are a number of free templates on SEEK that you can use and repurpose accordingly.

“Employers want clarity above all else ā€” not fancy fonts and layouts ā€” and itā€™s better to focus on a clearly designed, easy-to-read application. Make sure youā€™re also following the instructions in the job ad; if it says to include something else, or whether you need a cover letter or not, follow that.”

Below is a checklist of items you must always include on your CV/resume:

Personal details

Full name and contact information, including your phone number and email address. With personal details, do not provide any more information other than the basics. For example, no passport details or credit card numbers. No legitimate employment opportunity should be asking for these.

Career objective or summary

Describe your experience and where youā€™re aiming to go next in your career.


For each experience, include the qualification you received, where you studied, when you started and finished, any special areas of study, plus awards or other achievements.

Work experience

Under each job, use bullet points to give a brief overview of your responsibilities and achievements, weaving in the skills you used. You can also mention relevant internships and volunteer work in this section.

Skills, strengths or interests

Highlight any relevant professional memberships, too.


Contact and company details for a former employer, manager, or an academic advisor if they agree to be your referee, or you might wish to write ā€œreferences available on requestā€.

Go easy on yourself

Applying for jobs in a competitive market can be tough on oneā€™s mental health. Dealing with rejection is challenging at the best of times, but in the current climate, added financial pressures and high competition can heighten one’s emotions, as Sabina Read, SEEK’s resident psychologist explains.

“Itā€™s not unusual for people to experience strong emotions, such as shock, denial, anger and hope, particularly during these challenging times. These emotions come and go. You may feel shocked today, angry tomorrow and then, in between, you may feel fear for your future. But there are ways to cope with these feelings and the current challenge.

“Most of us like to have a sense of control and certainty about what will happen in the future. I know many people are asking when COVID-19 will be over and when they will be able to work again. Sometimes asking those questions isnā€™t helpful because there arenā€™t definite answers. Those questions can actually create a deeper sense of insecurity and frustration with the situation.”

Below, Read outlines some strategies to help you manage:

Share your thoughts and feelings

Youā€™ll have your personal tribe of close people, but you can also talk to your broader networks of colleagues and peers. Itā€™s very powerful to listen to others and share what itā€™s like to be in this position.

Spend time being productive

Things are not going to be locked down forever and employment opportunities will arise again. Take time to update your resume and ask people for references. Get your ducks in a row so youā€™re ready when things open up.

Commit to self-care

Most of us know what will help alleviate stress ā€” such as better sleep, exercise, meditating, writing in a journal, cutting back on alcohol ā€” but often we say we donā€™t have time. Now is the time to take action and realise you have a choice. You can, and should, look after yourself.

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