
You Can Access Instant Empathetic Support From a Stranger On This Free App


In these unprecedented times, and when much of the world is spending more time at home either in self-imposed social distancing efforts or enforced self-isolation, it is vital that we keep up connection and check in with our loved ones regularly to combat feelings of loneliness.

With so much uncertainty and information and advice that escalates on a daily basis, the COVID-19 pandemic has been tough on everyone, though it can feel particularly challenging for those who suffer from anxiety, depression, OCD, and other mental health conditions.

We all need support and someone to talk to in this loneliness epidemic, and the free HearMe app is designed to offer just that. It works like so.

Upon sign-up, users of the app are connected with trained volunteers or ‘listeners’ who can offer empathetic peer support and can essentially act as a sounding board to your troubles — be this around the COVID-19 pandemic or even a breakup.

“HearMe provides a non-judgmental safe space to discuss whatever is on your mind or in your heart. We have listeners available to discuss work and productivity, school, relationships, LGBTQIA and identity, or you can just vent about your day,” the site reads.


“Our mission is to use the power of empathetic listening to bring people together and make the world a kinder place,” says Adam Lippin, CEO and founder of HearMe. “We are an antidote for divisiveness, and we support each other always. We encourage the diverse expression of yourself in an anonymous exchange, without judgement.”

Listeners are like-minded individuals, not therapists, and so anyone can volunteer to become one. Listeners have access to a wealth of educational content and unparalleled training from leading experts in psychology, business, neuroscience, which means they are equipped to handle whatever the user wishes to discuss on the other end.

HearMe users wait less than 30 seconds to connect with a listenener on the app. After one week of using the app, 96% of users felt happier.

While HearMe does not act as a substitute for therapy and counselling and does not deal with psychological diagnoses, it can provide a safe space for you to express your feelings and receive support in return.

All chats are private and secure, and in the short time the app has been live, it has been shown to increase happiness and reduce stress among its users. You can even track your emotional journey with a goal-oriented journal as part of the interface.

Head to the app store to download HearMe today.
The current health crisis is evolving rapidly. If you suspect you or a family member has coronavirus you should call (not visit) your GP or ring the national Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on 1800 020 080.
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