
Hasn’t the Golden Gaytime Been Through Enough? Now Calls Are Being Made to Make It Vegan

golden gaytime vegan

What goes up must come down, and what goes down, must go vegan. At least that’s the latest for the makers of the iconic Aussie ice cream, Golden Gaytime; who now find themselves facing yet another petition — this time, to go vegan. Or more accurately, to release a vegan alternative.

Started by Dan Moore, the petition is calling for a vegan alternative of Golden Gaytimes — and to keep the name. Released only 15 hours ago, it currently has less than 100 signatures.

Signatories are begging for a vegan version in all caps saying “YEEEESSSSSS” and “PLEEEASE”, with one comment stating, “I’m gay and vegan. I agree with everything this petition is asking for.”

The latest petition follows one from earlier this week, that went viral across social media with countless articles dedicated to it (including one of our own) — but seemed to receive more criticism, than support.

Brian Mc, who started the petition to Streets Australia (the company behind the delicious dessert), was calling for the name ‘Golden Gaytime’ to be changed, as now in 2021 the word “gay” is primarily applied to sexuality. They called directly for the “double entendre to end”.

Streets, who first released the icecream in 1959, responded that the origin of the Gaytime name is “Related to having a joyous or happy time and was meant to capture the pleasure that comes with enjoying an ice cream.” They further clarified that the product name “is not and never has intended to cause offence and your petition is the first that we have been made aware of.”

As news of the original petition spread, rival petitions popped up urging the company to keep its original name — one with over 950 signatures, and the other nearing 3,000. The former is by a self-identified gay man, and the latter says Golden Gaytime is a “fabulous ice cream and icon for the gay community!”

A survey from news.com.au found that 45,000 people were in support of keeping the original name, saying it was “harmless and not offensive.”

Seems like even vegans agree it’s hard to have a Gaytime on your own.

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