
Get to Know DV Safe Phone, the Aussie Charity Actively Saving Lives

Warning: This article deals with the topic of domestic violence and could be triggering for some readers.

You’ve seen the headlines, and you’ve been to the protests. Australia is in the throes of a domestic violence crisis. With one woman killed as a result of domestic violence every 4.4 days in Australia and 19% of the Australian population having experienced emotional abuse [1], it’s time to take a stance — enough is enough.

May marks National Domestic Violence Prevention Month and serves as a reminder that it’s important to act now. There are many ways to help victims of domestic violence, but one charity — DV Safe Phone — pushes forward a message some of us mightn’t have considered: your old mobile phone could save someone’s life.

Imagine needing to call for help in a crisis, but not having access to a phone, or being worried your abuser might track your calls. Sadly, this is reality for many. A DV Safe Phone is a lifeline in a pocket, a way to stay connected to safety and support when you need it most.

What is DV Safe Phone?

DV Safe Phone understands the importance of working through trusted channels. They partner with frontline domestic violence services and shelters, police stations and hospitals across Australia to provide phones to survivors. These specialist organisations assess the needs of survivors and distribute the phones to those who would benefit most. They ensure the phones get into the right hands and are used safely and effectively.

By donating your old phones, you can be part of something bigger. DV Safe Phone relies on the generosity of Australians to keep this life-saving service running. Every phone they provide is a powerful tool for a survivor, a chance to rebuild their lives free from fear. It’s a small act of kindness that can make a world of difference.

Of course, not everyone has a spare phone lying around, so thankfully there are other ways you can get involved and help support DV Safe Phone. A lot of the services they provide rely on community funding, which is why they’ve partnered with the Play For Purpose charity raffle to help raise funds to support those in need.

How Can Play For Purpose Help?

Play For Purpose encourages us to support the causes closest to our heart, like DV Safe Phone, by buying a $10 raffle ticket. At least $5 from every ticket goes directly to your charity of choice, and also puts you in the draw for a chance to win a share in 395 prizes.

The more raffle tickets you buy the more services charities, like DV Safe Phone, can continue to provide to give hope and a better future to those impacted, as well as the more chances you have to win for your good deed.

The winner of the major draw for this raffle, closing June 13, will win a huge $250,000 first prize pack including a brand new Volkswagen California Beach camper van, over $14,000 worth of gift cards as well as $120,000 worth of cashable gold bullion. That’s money you can cash to change your life, or even put some straight back into supporting good causes, like DV Safe Phone, to help us all tackle this nationwide crisis.

Of course, the potential impact of a DV Safe Phone goes far beyond the phone itself. These phones can also be a critical step towards regaining independence and control over their own lives. If survivors need to contact a lawyer, arrange childcare, or simply connect with a friend for emotional support, a DV Safe Phone allows them to do this safely and discreetly, without fear of their abuser monitoring their communications.

What DV Safe Phone Has Achieved

Through community support and partnerships like what DV Safe Phone has with Play For Purpose, the charity has been able to reach some huge milestones. DV Safe Phone supports over 8,100 survivors, and 363 front line agencies and service providers work with them to connect victims with a safe phone. That number is only on the rise, and DV Safe Phone has a goal of providing another 3,000 domestic violence survivors with free mobile phones in 2024. Public support is essential, and Play For Purpose helps to significantly increase resources.

Head to DV Safe Phone’s website to learn more about what this great organisation does and check out Play For Purpose’s website to buy a raffle ticket to stand in solidarity against domestic violence. You can win a share of $300,000 worth of prizes each raffle, but knowing your ticket is guaranteed to help someone in need? That’s the ultimate win-win.

Play For Purpose charity raffle tickets are just $10, so get behind the community cause closest to your heart for your chance to WIN a $250,000 first prize pack. For the latest raffle prizes, see playforpurpose.com.au.

If you’re an established ACNC registered charity looking to supercharge your fundraising, contact the Play For Purpose team to learn more about becoming a charity partner.

Promoter is 50-50 Foundation Ltd. Entry open to Australian residents who are aged 18 years or older. See full T&C’s at playforpurpose.com.au.

If this article brings up any issues for you or anyone you know, or if you just feel like you need to speak to someone, please contact 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) — the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service. If you are in immediate danger, call 000.

Promoter is 50-50 Foundation Ltd. Entry open to Australian residents who are aged 18 years or older. See full T&C’s at playforpurpose.com.au.

[1] Australia Institute of Health and Welfare, 2 April 2024.