
5 Fun and Eco-Friendly Date Ideas As We Emerge from Iso


Looking for a date idea for the weekend? Right now it’s perhaps too chilly for a beach swim or picnic, and with restaurants still operating on limited tables, it’s a tall order you’ll manage to nab a reservation at your fave spot.

Pair this with the fact that not all of us are entirely comfortable being around others outside just yet, and suddenly it’s apparent that you might need a few extra ideas for that special date you have planned.

Well, lucky for you, we have a few suggestions for Instagram-worthy dates inspired by the app itself. Even better, these are eco-friendly, fun and out-of-the-ordinary to help you form an extraordinary connection.

Go stargazing

You will have to escape the city in order to see the galaxy and all of its glory properly, but is that not a fantastic excuse to make an overnight trip? There’s really no better way to observe the wonders of the night sky than by setting up camp on a headland or within a park, to be accompanied by snacks, mulled wine in a thermos, and plenty of blankets. Not sure where to go for the best views? Check out Australian astrophotography Steven Morris on Instagram for some inspiration.

Take an off-grid getaway

After months of isolation, it’s likely you’re craving a little bit of room to move. Tiny homes offer the perfect escape from city life and present the chance to really immerse oneself in nature. Most tiny homes function completely off the grid with renewable energy and rainwater tanks and leave zero impact on the environment they sit. Check out our list of the best tiny homes to rent near Sydney, or tour these incredible bubble tents in NSW, then book in your perfect weekender.

Support local at the farmers’ market

Whether or not your local market took a break from operation during COVID, the good news is that most farmers’ markets are back on and thriving once more. This weekend, take your date to your local weekend markets or venture out to a market slightly out of town. In shopping for fresh foods, crafts, flowers and preserves, you’ll be supporting your local growers and makers. Just remember to maintain social distancing and use hand sanitizer before handling any goods.

Cook up a storm

Walk your brimming tote bags home from the farmers’ markets and get creative together in the kitchen with all of your newly attained fresh and organic produce. Expand your culinary arsenal and introduce a new vegetarian meal into the mix. Not only delicious and nutritious, but plant-based diets contribute positively to reducing our carbon footprint. Need some recipe inspo? Jacqueline Alwill of the Brown Paper Nutrition Instagram account provides daily recipes and meal suggestions to get you started.

Go bushwalking

No matter where you live, the Australian backyard presents a million and one opportunities for a scenic walk through native bushlands, often skirting by natural pools, empty beaches, dense rainforests, and snoozing wildlife. Spend a little bit of time researching your ideal walk based on difficulty and time, and be sure to pre-plan ahead of your journey by packing snacks, water and a first-aid kit.

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