
We Stand for Healthy Headlines

It’s been over 18 months, and COVID continues to dominate headlines around the world. We have COVID-fatigue and we know we’re not the only ones. The last few weeks have been relentless. Today, as I write this piece, about 10 million Australians are in lockdown. We know what COVID is, we understand the devastation it has caused around the world, but what we also know, is that vaccination is our only way out.

And so, The Latch is on a mission to drive as many Australians under 40 to get vaccinated and help open Australia. Together with BuzzFeed, Concrete Playground, Junkee, Man of Many, The Urban List, and Zee Feed, we at The Latch HQ are here to instill knowledge, not fear.

Until at least 50% of Australians under 40 (our core audiences) are vaccinated to put an end to the need for lockdowns and restrictions, we’ll continue to write informative updates and explainer pieces to answer all of your important questions.

Why? Because we can’t keep subscribing to the ongoing cycle of number updates and changing statistics. The only statistic we care about, is the percentage of Australians vaccinated. So we can ensure our communities are safe, and we can start to move around freely. What does that look like? Visiting the beach. Browsing through shops. Kicking back at your favourite bar for afternoon drinks. Hugging our friends and family. And eventually, a well deserved holiday (and Thrillist will be your go-to for planning that eventual trip).

With our collective reach, we want to help stop the hysteria and fearmongering around COVID-19 and vaccines. 

COVID is our new reality. We’re not here to provide round-the-clock coverage, but instead, to add meaningful content around the conversations we’re all having.

Moving forward, our content will always:

  • Put the science first
  • Stand for healthy headlines
  • Make considered image choices and avoid triggering imagery (you won’t see any angry needles here)
  • Not partake in fear-mongering or alarmist headlines around vaccines
  • Focus on what needs to be done to help Australians get back enjoying a healthy, new, post-COVID world.

We’ll continue to bring you all the information you need at Healthy Headlines.

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