Despite promoting a compact life, the tiny home movement continues to get bigger and bigger. As more homemakers begin to see the appeal in sizing down their homes in favour of a sustainable life within nature, the tiny home opportunities become more frequent and accessible.
Whether it’s flat-packed tiny homes you can build in one weekend or tiny homes you can rent near your capital city, the prospect of living in a tiny home feels closer than ever, even if it’s just for the weekend.
Now, there’s a new tiny home option on the horizon — one that goes beyond the plywood structures we’ve come to know and love — to be both chic and apparently near-indestructible.

The Hüga tiny home from Argentina-based architecture studio Grandio is a bulletproof, all-weather-proof concrete dwelling that claims to be able to withstand even the harshest of weather conditions. Cyclones, storms, bushfires, this pint-sized abode is said to be able to take on anything. Even bullets, apparently.
It’s courtesy of the dwelling’s exterior shell. Made from reinforced concrete, and with steel cage doors that open at each end, the unit is durable enough to adapt to all climate challenges.
But despite its bunker-like composition, the interior couldn’t be more airy and bright with plenty of windows, high ceilings, LED strip lighting, pale timber flooring, bright white walls, marble detailing, and cleverly hidden storage.

At its base size, the unit has a footprint of 45 square metres. It’s a big enough space to fit a bedroom, a living room, dining space, kitchen with laundry, bathroom, and a mezzanine relaxation zone.
Should someone wish to add a little more space on, they could easily add a second unit to house two more bedrooms or a larger living room and office. It’s a customisable design thought out to suit many needs. Even better still, the tiny home’s rooftop can be used as a rooftop garden or alfresco living or dining space.
While based in Argentina, Grandia has revealed plans to expand the Hüga tiny home offering into the US. We’re yet to discover whether the dwellings will come to Australia, but we imagine they’d be pretty damn desirable, especially considering our own harsh climates.
The units themselves do not require a foundation (they’re 55 tons, and certainly not going anywhere in a hurry) and can be set up in less than a day. According to Business Insider, the cost is said to be US $75,000.
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