
A New Compostable Alternative to Cling Wrap

compostable cling wrap

Melbourne couple Julia and Jordy Kay are the founders of Great Wrap, an Australian-owned business producing compostable cling film for kitchens and packaging.

As opposed to harmful plastics that take eons to break down, the food-safe product is made from PLA or corn starch and a bio-based PBAT, that breaks down into carbon and water in a compost pile, and in less time than it takes for an orange peel to break down.

Great Wrap is a certified home compostable with DIN Certco (a German certification body for compostable products). To be awarded certification, the product must break down in compost within 180 days and leave behind zero toxins.

Should you not have a green bin or compost bin at home — if you don’t yet have one, you can read all about our at-home guide to composting here — and should the wrap end up in landfill, the founders say it will take two to five years for it to break down.

On your shelf at home, the product will last around two years. A great alternative for home kitchens, but the product is also being bought en masse in restaurants also.

“Great Wrap solves one of the biggest waste issues we have in restaurants. It works just as well as plastic cling wrap and I no longer feel guilty for using it,” says David Moyle of Hobart’s Franklin Restaurant in a testimonial of the product.


Julia and Jordy developed Great Wrap over a period of 18 months with the help and input of professors, industry experts, manufactures and suppliers.

As of right now, Great Wrap is being manufactured overseas but the founders are working to bring their product’s production within Australia.

The product is available for purchase online and is able to be shipped worldwide. Perhaps the best bundle available for home kitchens is the three-pack of Great Wrap cling film, each at 30m long, for $29.95. You can also buy a pack of six for $49.90.

Yes, it’s more expensive than plastic cling film, but it’s a small price to pay to significantly reduce your home’s footprint and package your leftovers up without the guilt of using single-use plastics.

Find out more about Great Wrap and purchase your rolls now. 

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