
You’re Invited to Fly Around Australia With 800,000 Half-Price Plane Tickets

Middle Island, Archipelago of the Recherche, Western Australia

Australia remains firmly shut to international visitors and departures, but Down Under, state borders are opening, and we’re all finally starting to enjoy well-deserved trips around the country.

With pristine beaches, untouched rainforests, reefs, national parks, ski-fields, mountains and bush terrain, it’s not exactly a stretch to convince Australians to holiday here this year, and now, the Australian Government wants to make the prospect of a local adventure that much easier.

The Government has announced it will halve the price of nearly 800,000 flights across the country as part of a new $1.2 billion package designed to encourage us all to hit the road and embark on a domestic trip.

The Australian tourism industry has taken a hit following a trying year of raging bushfires, and the COVID-19 pandemic that followed, and this new scheme plans to inject some much-needed tourism dollars back into our thriving cities, regional towns, beachside holiday spots, and more.

The half-price tickets will be available on flights between April and July, according to the ABC. Airfares will be available to 13 Australian regions which rely heavily on international travellers. These include the Gold Coast, Cairns, the Whitsundays, the Sunshine Coast, Uluru, Alice Springs, Launceston, Broome, Avalon, and Kangaroo Island.

It’s predicted the discounted fares will be dropping on the Qantas, Virgin Australia and Jetstar sites from April 1. Around 46,000 50% off tickets will land each week.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison is calling the scheme a “ticket to recovery”.

ā€œ(We want) to get Australians travelling and supporting tourism operators, businesses, travel agents and airlines who continue to do it tough through COVID-19, while our international borders remain closed,ā€ he said.

ā€œThis package will take more tourists to our hotels and cafes, taking tours and exploring our backyard. That means more jobs and investment for the tourism and aviation sectors as Australia heads towards winning our fight against COVID-19 and the restrictions that have hurt so many businesses.ā€

Keep your eyes peeled for the half-price fares from April 1. While there are around 800,000 in total, no doubt these will be sold quickly. Get prepared (and excited) with 10 of Australia’s best winter Airbnbs and our tips for being an eco-conscious traveller.

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