
‘Survivor’ Hero Sam Webb Is Bending His Morality to Secure the Win

australian survivor heroes vs villains 2023 sam webb

Sam Webb is no stranger to the shores of Samoa, having stood voteless for almost the entire first season of Australian Survivor. Unfortunately, after 49 days the charity CEO was voted off. We think it’s safe to say that his strategy of mateship and loyalty was pretty effective the first time around, despite what he describes as the “cutthroat” energy of the franchise. But with the twist and turns of Heroes Vs Villains thus far, audiences are curious to find out if it will continue to work in his favour.

As the founder of an Australian mental health charity, Webb has naturally been grouped in with the Heroes. His hopes are high for his fellow “good guys” as they make their way through Survivor’s challenges but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, he claims will shake off the pleasantries and do what he has to do.

Using his mother as inspiration he admits that even the best of heroes can be a bit evil. “My mum is a Hero. She’s probably the biggest Hero but I’ve seen her turn and if that gives me permission to turn, you better believe I will. I’m not out here for a holiday,” says Webb.

He believes that bending within the limits of your personal morality is the only way to win the show without selling your soul. He’s a self-proclaimed “underdog” and “battler” — a true Blue Aussie through and through.

“I’ve lived my life with my back up against the wall, nothing fights harder than when a mongrel dog’s back is against a wall, nothing,” Webb explains.

We’re curious to see what will send the Hero into Villain territory and if it will win him the $500,000 prize.

Find out on Australian Survivor: Heroes Vs Villains only on 10 and 10 Play on Demand.

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