
Christmas Waits For No One: Australia Post’s Delivery Deadlines Are Here

Christmas: A holiday that allows us to feel stressed at buying presents instead of existential dread. So, in a strange way, Christmas is giving us the greatest gift of all. That gift being distraction. 

But why is buying gifts so stressful? Well, is WWE-battling a grandfather for the last scented candle a vibe? Is being trapped in a queue, wondering if your lover wants another bath bomb, a great way to spend a weekend? If so, you have a very specific kink.

Moreover, if you need to Australia Post some gifts overseas, that’s a whole other kettle of fish. It sucks wondering if your package will arrive at someone’s house by Christmas day. It’s truly a 2/10 experience. 

Fortunately though, while Australia Post can’t tell you if your lover wants that bath bomb, they have listed when you should start sending your packages. Here are the joint’s recommendations to beat this year’s postage rush.

The Cut Off Dates

Australia Post has outlined that most deadlines for international standard deliveries will be either November 21 or November 28. However, there are some exemptions for this rule. For instance, the cut-off date for Canada is December 1, while the cut-off date for New Zealand and the United Kingdom is December 2.

It’s worth noting that you do have a bit more time if you use International Express. As Australia Post said in a statement, “If posting with International Express, some popular destinations like the USA, the UK, New Zealand, and Canada should be sent by December 9.”

Related: The Ten Best Christmas Movies of All Time

Related: Australia Post Now Encourages Traditional Place Names on Parcels and Letters

If these dates end up changing, Australia Post’s Executive General Manager, Gary Starr, said that the company will try to give folks as much notice as possible. 

“We know our last sending dates provide an important guide for people in the lead-up to Christmas, and we’ve been preparing all year for another busy peak season to ensure things run as smoothly as possible,” said Starr.

“For anyone who wants to send internationally for Christmas this year, we’re encouraging them to visit our website and post by the dates advised.”

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