
Architects Are Offering to Help Bushfire Victims Rebuild Homes for Free


One day, hopefully in the near and not-too-distant future, these catastrophic fires will cease to tear through communities, and those with homes destroyed will have a chance to rebuild.

In heartening news sure to come as something of a consolation to those affected, they will not be left to do so alone.

Over 400 architecture studios, as well as 1,100 graduated and students, have formed the organisation Architects Assist, which will provide design and planning services to communities affected by the bushfire crisis ā€” free of charge.

The initiative is championed by architect Jiri Lev, founder of Australian studio Atelier Jiri Lev. He says:

“As the 2019 bushfires begun to claim first homes, we responded with an offer of pro bono design and planning assistance to those who lost everything and did not have sufficient means to start rebuilding their lives and livelihoods.

“With the growing scale of the disaster, it soon became obvious that the resources of individual firms will not be sufficient to assist all those requiring help, and so Architects Assist was established.”

Following an overwhelming response from the architecture and interior design community, the organisation has announced it will now help rebuild small local businesses, halls, churches, theatres and community buildings as well as residential homes.

And to help residents even further into the future, the architects will ensure each new build is updated with the latest materials to ensure their resilience against the harsh climate.

We’re talking about spatially efficient homes designed with sustainable, long-lasting materials.

It’s heart-warming to see people all around the world come together to help those who’ve been most affected by the fires, and we can only encourage others to step forward and do what they can to help.

If you can, please consider donating to one of the organisations below ā€” your donation will directly benefit bushfire victims, communities and animals affected.Ā 
Donate to theĀ NSW Rural Fire Service
Donate to theĀ Victorian Bushfire Relief
Donate to theĀ Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund
Donate to theĀ Salvation Army Disaster Appeal
Donate toĀ St Vincent de Paul Society Bushfire Appeal
Donate toĀ WIRES